Friday, August 6, 2010

Newborn Frenzy by Kendall Swan

Newborn Frenzy by Kendall Swan

I headed to Lotus' loft to check in there. Announce my return, I guess. More like my sad acceptance.
Numb. Stick with numb.
Lotus' place was empty of vamps except for Brittany who let me in. Her welcoming smile made me ache. The fact that a kindness so trivial would run so deep warned me how depleated I was.
She brought me up to speed as she made me lunch. Vaden wasn't mad about me leaving, or at least he never mentioned it.
But he did sample the entire roster of rotation girls while I was gone. Guilt swept over Brit as she said this since that clearly meant she had been with Vaden, too.
"Don't worry about it," I offered. "I'm the one who left. I couldn't handle it."
Fresh tears prepared to fall--no, no.
Remember, numb.
"What else?" I asked.
"Chloe's been turned. That night. She's still down in the bedroom. I don't know if she said yes to this or not before Lotus changed her but all of them had a good time with her while she's been out."
"All of them?"
"Yes. Including Hank and Percy." Brit leaned in as if weary in the empty apartment.
"Between you and me, I think it was Vaden's idea. Don't take that the wrong way. It's just that...Lotus doesn't normally share. And Vaden raged so much that night. I think it was Lotus' concession to Vaden--that they all get to have her during the change."
Vaden's attitude about Chloe's change and my being blindsided by it so violently all came rushing back. I struggled to maintain the precarious hold I had on reality.
"Vaden's not for changing Chloe. Doesn't bode well for the rest of us, does it?"
Brit and I commisserated in silence for a moment.
A shriek from the back hallway sliced through the silence and brought us back to the very sharp edge of the present.
Chloe, magnificent, glowing, and nude tore through the doorway into the large, open loft area. Her eyes were wild.
There was a split second when danger registered before she was on us. Hot pain shot from the back of my head as Chloe's cement arms had Brit and I on the floor. She moved beyond the abilities of my slow - human - eyes.
Oh, fuck.
Danger, risk of death at the hands of a vamp--these things fade over time. You become complacent, not fully appreciating all that's at stake. Also gone is a measure of the thrill from being in their presence. That is not missed, however, when compared to the power of intimacy with such a lethal creature.
The vampires coming out into society did not bring these states. Humans have been plenty dangerous to other humans for millenia. But a psychopathic cop or a serial killer slasher, while interesting, do not combine hope and beauty with danger. They are ugly, not alluring.
Chloe had us down. She would drink us dry. That I wouldn't get to see Vaden again lingered in the back of my mind, trying to break through. Consequences didn't matter to her. She was a new vamp, after all. She would have us and there was nothing my feeble human body could do to stop it.
Her fangs sank into my neck in a familiar yet distinctly different way than Vaden's. The bite was smoother.
She drank and my body betrayed me. My pussy was instantly wet. My one free arm flailed and scratched. I was going to die in the arms of a vamp--only not the one I imagined.
I felt Chloe's fangs slide out and her body shift towards Brit. Brit's moan told me Chloe drank from her now.
This was my chance. If there was ever a time to leave the luscious, succulent arms of a vampire, it was now.
I had barely moved a hard fought inch when Chloe's arm pressed tightly against my body and angled down between my legs. She pinned me.
Fluttering fingertips short circuited my escape plan. My will was succumbing to the will of a new girl vampire.
The hand of a girl was nothing new to me. I grew up with that in Texas with Pru. It was the only way girls were able to play around since vamps came out.
But a female vamp, this was new. Guilt showed its head then ducked away as I gave into her playing.
Brit's body was arching while Chloe drank. I saw Chloe's other hand between Brit's legs. Chloe was playing with us both.
Two fingers slipped inside me. I could do nothing but receive her lust.
I was alive. For now.
She hadn't drained us yet. She was enjoying us. Maybe it wasn't our lives she wanted but our sex.
Chloe seemed insatiable. Taking us. At the same time.
I heard a whir of air and hot warmth coated my clit as fingers went deeper inside my ultra wet pussy.
Chloe's tongue rounded my clit over and over ramping up my own lust with each flick.
I had entered Lotus' loft full of despair, accepting my lack of options. That resignation had sat heavy on my bones.
Chloe working her new vampire magic on my whole being eviscerated that load. Destroyed it.
Sexual need built in my womb, culling me back from the metaphorical dead. That I still might end up actually dead concerned me very little.
In this moment, being incapacitated by this brand new vampire playing with my clit invigorated me--reminded me what I love about sex and vampires.
Chloe left my clit to lick up Brit's. I heard her immediate orgasm crawl out of her as if it had been trapped there the whole time, waiting.
We were no longer being held down by Chloe. Neither Brit or myself moved.
Brit's body rubbed against the side of my as it writhed. Chloe's fingers were still inside me, swooping around playfully as she brought more and more joy to Brit.
Sharing this moment with Brit, not getting the sweetness of Chloe to myself-- this didn't bother me.
As seemingly gracious as I've been over the years with sharing myself and my lovers, it has never been my first choice.
My hand found Brit's breast and sqeezed. She moaned in response to my pulling her nipple. I did the same to my own.
In one second I was enjoying this slow build. In the next, Chloe's head was between my legs again shooting electric currents through me with her tongue.
Molten heat grew.
Then exploded.
Sending wave after wave across me, into me. My body was a filament, an instrument through which Chloe's magic reverberated.
This continued back and forth between Brit and me before Chloe ordered us to pleasure her together. The order was unnecessary and sexy. We complied with enthusiasm.
Brit made out with Chloe, kissing her gently then rough, while I did the same with her new vampire crotch. She smelled sweet like candy and her skin was soft and pliable the deeper inside I went.
I had my thumb in her puckered ass while my four fingers fucked her pussy.
She was beyond wet and came every minute or so for an hour. She was like this perfect instrument I could play with no practice required. It was heady, indeed.
She brought a few more out of me as well as Brit.
I was perched, licking and finger fucking Chloe's sensitive vampire clit, my ass sticking up in the air, Brit occassionally coming around to fingerfuck and lick me. A wonderful experience in the list of life experiences.
And, yet.
My ass sticking in the air, I craved a big cock. A big vampire cock.
Vaden's cock.
My lust with Chloe and Brit immediately muted at the thought of Vaden. Our playing was reaching a natural end so my change in mood went mainly unnoticed. We splayed out and over each other on the floor.
Chloe spoke first, "You two need to have this. It is...incomparable. There is no reason you shouldn't be vamps like me. You are residents. You are loved. You definitely are not out making babies all the time.
"Especially you, Lexi. You are as much a part of the coven as I am now."
Chloe would have kept going if I had not interrupted her. "Vaden will never change me. He hates that Lotus changed you. He's jealous of you and doesn't want girls in the coven."
"Ah, but that is because he doesn't know about the mutation. You've heard about it-- all the skirmishes with female vamps--we are much stronger now. Something has changed. No one knows what but we are the strongest beings on earth. That changes things."
I had heard rumblings like everyone else. What Chloe was saying made Vaden's reaction more understandable, if not any better. Only, unlike Chloe, I didn't think her being different somehow, stronger especially, would change anything. It would only make it worse with him.
"So you are, like, super strong now? What can you do?" Brit asked.
"I don't know, yet. I woke up, came out here and was completely overcome by you two. You both looked so...tasty. I couldn't resist."
Brit and I traded pleased looks. It always feels good to be wanted by a vampire.
"I have to go now. Go see what I can do." Chloe looked admiringly at her new body. That would have seemed arrogant if I wasn't doing the same thing.
"Tell them I'll be back tomorrow. I don't want to make any mistakes nearby. Percy is not the forgiving type."
And with that Chloe escaped to the bedroom. A blur later and she was out the door, into the city.


Newborn Frenzy
By Kendall Swan
Copyright © 2010 by Kendall Swan
Published by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC

All rights reserved.

Also available from Romantic Words Publishing:

Copyright © 2010 by Kendall Swan
Published by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.