Friday, December 21, 2012



Carissa knew she looked good in her elf costume but felt self conscious in it as she walked through the nearly empty mall to the Santa station in the early morning hours of Black Friday.  Her boss that she had interviewed with two days before greeted her there and apologized for not having enough time to introduce her to her fellow elves and the Santa she would be working with for the next few weeks. 

Her boss was going on about how to do something but Carissa was having a hard time listening because she was struck by the Santa's eyes.  They were pale blue with green specks but there was something in them that mesmerized her--a compassion with an edge, something.  Carissa suddenly became even more aware of her skimpy tights and leotard with an elf jacket costume.  Those Santa eyes would be watching her.  She could tell by the small amount of face she could see that he was not that old and definitely not overweight.  She wondered how he had gotten the Santa job in the first place.  He literally didn't fit the part. 

"Do you think you can handle that, Carissa?" her boss asked.

"Uh, yes, no problem.  Thanks, Ms. Watson."

Carissa didn't know what she had said yes to but figured she could pick it up as she went along.  She could always ask the other elves for help, if necessary.  She stashed her backpack with her change of clothes under the red felt drop cloth covering the register table and readied herself for the onslaught of distraught children and high strung parents.    

The mall opened with much fanfare to celebrate the vast amounts of money they would be taking in and in no time the line for Santa pictures was over an hour long.  Carissa caught on quickly as she suspected she would.  She, the other elves, and the Santa all played their roles easily. 

It soon became clear why the Santa had been hired.  The kids loved him.  Despite the costume and huge North Pole setup, he could get laughs out of the most shy and intimidated kids.  His demeanor was fun and light--jolly even-- and charisma oozed from him effortlessly. 

The Santa caught her staring at him a couple of times.  Carissa was curious what the rest of his face looked like under the fake beard, mustache, and hair.  Each time he caught her, the corners of those eyes would turn up.  She assumed there was a smile looming under the bushel of fake, white hair on his face. 

The day went by quickly and Carissa's feet ached from standing all day.  She barely noticed because of the wordless flirting that had gone on all day with the Santa.  There was some kind of chemistry there even though they hadn't spoken to each other.  She hadn't even seen his face and yet felt drawn to him.

Carissa finished up closing the North Pole for the night and headed to the lockers to change out of her pixie elf outfit.  This morning's experience walking around in her barely there costume made of felt and covered in bells convinced her of the need to change at the mall instead of at her mom's house.

When she rounded the corner into the locker room she saw the Santa bending over and taking off his Santa pants.  She froze, afraid this was the wrong locker room and stood transfixed by the body in front of her.  The bad florescent lighting couldn't wash out his tan and muscular frame--a far cry from the image of Santa Clause. 

Carissa's eyes started down at his sinewy legs and moved up to his black boxers.  She noticed how the cloth draped delicately over the bulge between his legs.  The waistband hugged his lean waist that sat below his firm stomach.  Carissa stared at his midsection and thought she could see the faint hint of a six pack.  She continued her survey up to his filled out pecs that were dusted with curly salt and pepper chest hair. 

Carissa's eyes finally landed on his rugged face.  Besides being the opposite of Santa, his angular jaw was down right sexy.  Carissa had not been expecting to see a vision such as this half naked man in the locker room.  Her surprised face must have registered with the Santa because when she finally met his eyes, he was smirking.

"Not what you were expecting, right?" he asked.

"What?  Um, no, not at all, actually," Carissa stammered.  She suddenly became aware of the slight wetness between her legs and the hardness of her nipples.  Thankfully, those physical cues of her desire were not visible to the Santa.  Suddenly, a small but pushy part of Carissa's mind wished they were.

The Santa's gaze had a similar effect as earlier.  She felt the fierce connection they had been experiencing all day in brief instances, though not this urgently.  Her body immediately responded with a jolt.  The connection along with his almost naked body standing before her was nearly too much for Carissa. 

She felt the urge to feel that body up against hers.  She took a step closer unconsciously and watched as a grateful smiled crept across the Santa's face.  It was only then that her awareness came back to her, at least in part, and she realized the empty room wasn't supposed to be empty.  The other elf girls should be there, too.  Again the Santa read the confusion on her face because he spoke as if he could read her mind.

"All the other girls came and got their stuff.  They don't stick around long.  And they mostly change in the ladies restroom up the hall," he said.

"Oh," was all Carissa could muster in response.  Her mind was in a battle for control over her body. 

'Go to the bathroom, NOW!' it ordered.

'Kiss him,' her body responded back.

In a split second decision Carissa decided to let her body win for once.  She had been holding back during school so she could concentrate on her studies.  But she was on Christmas vacation now and her young body was demanding satisfaction. 

Carissa took another step towards the Santa.  They were only a couple of feet apart.  Though her body had won the battle for control, her mind had not gone into the silent night. 

'Ask him his name,' her mind squeaked.

"Uh, what's your name?" Carissa asked less smoothly than she would have liked. 

"Edward," the Santa responded.  He stuck out his hand casually.

"Carissa," she said as she put her hand in his and shook it.  She immediately noticed the feel of his skin against hers.  Trivial as the touch may be, it was dousing gasoline on an already burning flame within Carissa that had begun to burn the moment she took in his handsome and decidedly un-Santa-like form. 

"Nice to meet you, Carissa.  You did a good job today for your first day.  You have a way with children."

"So do you.  I've never seen anyone get a child to open up as quickly as you do.  It's no wonder you're a Santa.  Despite not having the body for it all," Carissa replied, scanning his body admiringly as she spoke.

Edward laughed heartily before his demeanor shifted slightly to reveal a trace of self-consciousness.  He looked down and started moving quickly to dress. 

"Sorry.  How inappropriate of me.  I'm figured I had the locker room to myself.  I'll dress quickly and get out of your way." 

Alarm flooded Carissa's body like a cold shower.  She internally scrambled to find a reason for him to stay. 

"You don’t have to go," she blurted out without thinking. 

Carissa couldn't believe she had just said those words out loud.  Her body froze in response. 

Edward paused and turned back around to face her.  He did not say anything but Carissa could see that same small smile and a hint of excitement glimmer in his eyes. Inside, her body danced in response.

"What do you mean?" he asked purposefully. 

"Uh, I don't really know," Carissa said as she eyed his body.  Her body knew what it wanted but she didn't entirely know how to go about getting it. 

Edward's demeanor loosened and he clasped Carissa's hands in his, caressing the backs with his thumbs. 

"You know, you are a very pretty girl.  You make that elf costume look, well, hot, instead of silly," he purred.

Edward pulled her body close to his.  Carissa felt the twin chemicals of lust and adrenaline rush through her body.  She didn't know what she was doing.  Edward had sensed that and was leading her down the exact path she wanted.

He moved in to kiss her at the same time as his hands wrapped around her waist and pulled it flush against his.  Carissa could vaguely feel his cock as it twitched against her stomach.  Her mouth was being consumed by his.   The small presence of mind still available to her was quickly washed away with the flood of sensations she now felt. 

Carissa felt her clit tingle as their passionate kiss increased in urgency.  Edward was pulling off her clothes like they were on fire.  After peeling her leotard off he paused to admire her small, innocent breasts.  The curve of her creamy skin invited his hand to squeeze as he kneeled and sucked on her tiny, pale pink areolas.

Carissa ran her hands through his thick salt and pepper hair as he licked, bit, and tweaked her nipples.  The small mix of pleasure and pain piqued her desire and it elevated to the more raw state of lust.  Carissa felt a hand rub her labia lips and clit over her tights which were the only thing left on her body.  Edward smiled and met her gaze as he pulled his two fingers out from between her legs.  He must have felt my wetness even through my tights, she thought.   

Still kneeling and moving with a gentle touch, Edward pulled her tights down her legs.  His soft hands caressed the length of her legs as he did.  He slowly rolled the tights and waited for her to pull her feet out and laid them on the floor with the rest of her strewn about clothing.  Edward stood up and pulled his own solitary piece of clothing off in the same manner.   They stood briefly, naked, staring at each other before rushing into the other's arms and resuming their passionate kissing. 

Carissa felt her body heat up with anticipation as Edward's rock hard cock rubbed against her skin.  Her own will was so fully at ease now he could have done anything to her.  Edward disengaged, reached inside a bag in his locker, and pulled on a condom as he pulled Carissa's body to the floor with his. 

The industrial carpet was relatively clean if not comfortable. But Carissa noticed none of this as she spread herself horizontal on her back for Edward to devour.  Her body was screaming to be consumed.  She spread her legs and pulled them up in the air. 

Edward mounted her with less speed than she wanted.  He pushed his length inside her tight pussy slowly, his eyes closed.  After he was half way inside Carissa he opened his eyes to look at her.  Carissa felt the heat of his gaze go through her.  His look absolutely captured the pure lust she was feeling throughout her entire body. 

"Do you want me to be gentle?  I don't want to hurt you," Edward whispered before he brushed his lips along hers.  The teasing effect of both his cock and his lips was too much for Carissa.

"No," she nearly shouted, momentarily confusing both of them.  The pause was broken by the deep thrust of Edward's cock into Carissa's waiting pussy.  She felt her pussy automatically contract in response, squeezing his cock tighter. 

"Oooh," Edward moaned as he savored her little body.  He pulled out again only to thrust impatiently once more.  His rhythm shifted to a quicker, less explosive pace.  Carissa felt the pleasure building in her clit as a result.  Her hands hugged his back pulling his body closer to hers as he fucked her on the floor of the mall locker room.  She could feel his finespun chest hair rub against her breasts.  Her nipples pebbled. 

Edward sucked on Carissa's neck as he rocked her body back and forth.  The friction from the hard floor was only barely registered as the sensation of Edward's cock pushing deep inside her body demanded all of her attention. 

Carissa felt each stroke push her closer and closer to orgasm.  The pleasure floating throughout her entire body began concentrating and growing in her groin.  She hugged Edward's hips with her legs as she attempted to push him deeper up into her desperate pussy.  

Edward pulled his face up to meet look Carissa.  Again, she was immediately filled up on another level by the intensity of his gaze.  He wanted to consume her and Carissa wanted nothing more in that moment than to let him. 

In a flash, Edwards lips were on hers and his tongue rammed into her hot and wet mouth matching the magnitude of his cock ramming itself into her hot and wet pussy.  He ravaged her cunt and mouth simultaneously as he drove her up to her peak.  Vivid colors flashed in Carissa's eyesight as her body was pushed over the edge to ecstasy.  She squeezed Edward's body with her own as the orgasm continued to rock her insides.

Edward looked down at her face mired in pleasure and let loose even more than he already had been.  Carissa, in her ecstatic state barely felt the skin slowly being rubbed off of her spin in the middle of her back as Edward fucked her harder and faster than she had ever been fucked before. 

He leaned down on his elbows above her shoulders and placed his scratchy cheek against hers.  A low moan escaped as his rhythm stopped and started with explosive thrusts that served to both lengthen Carissa's incredibly intense orgasm and bring with it new pain. 

She felt a white hot pain in her scalp and she realized on the edge of her consciousness that Edward's hand was in her hair, pulling.  His moan grew to a scream and Edward let go of his hot juice inside her.  Carissa's orgasm finally began to recede as Edward's continued on.  Other sensations of her body crept into her mind with their various levels of pleasure and pain. 

Edward's body finally relaxed and he pulled his head up from her cheek.  The enjoyment painted all over Edward's face filled Carissa with exhilaration and pride.  Her previous sexual experiences had been so much more hit or miss.  She pulled his head down to kiss him.  Their lips met gently this time as if realizing the tender state of each of their bodies after fucking so randomly and yet with so much passion. 

Carissa, filled with pride and confidence, pulled their kiss apart, met Edward's pale blue eyes, and whispered, "I think this is going to be my favorite Christmas."

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

NAKED Parent Teacher Conference

Mary Hancock finished grading the last test and began tidying up her desk. It had taken her longer than usual to get the tests all graded because she was so distracted. Jason Rawlings, Conner’s dad, would be here any minute for the parent teacher conference. They had been flirting all year at school events and Mary often went home to masturbate while thinking of him. Today was no different except that she didn’t want to wait until she got home to touch herself while imagining his broad, thick shoulders over her and his broad, thick cock inside of her.

She didn’t actually know the size of his cock, but his chest was full and broad. He had a very strong jaw and warm, brown eyes. Mary had also noticed his large hands and had often wondered what he did for a living. Did he use those large hands for work or merely for pleasure?

Mary felt her juices start to flow between her legs as she thought of Jason now. This would be the first time they had ever been alone together and she didn’t know if she would be able to hide her reaction from him.

She finished tidying up her desk and got out her compact to check her makeup. It had held up pretty good throughout the day. She heard a knock at the door and felt her heart palpitating in exciting anticipation. She looked up to see Jason had appeared in the doorway with a familiar smile on his face. 

That was the thing with them. They didn’t technically know each other that well but there always seemed to be such an unspoken connection between them.

“Hi there, Miss Hancock,” he said jauntily as he walked purposefully into the classroom. She got up to greet him and shook his hand awkwardly. It seemed as though such a formality was unnecessary given their sexual connection, unrealized as it may be. 

Jason headed to the regular seat in front of her desk that she had brought in especially for him. Then Mary headed towards the door to close it. She was thankful the doors at this school didn’t have windows. It made for a less distracting teaching environment. And more intimate meeting place.

She returned to her desk and looked Jason squarely in the eyes.

“Mr. Rawlings, you never mentioned why you wanted this parent teacher conference. What is it you would like to discuss today?” She shifted in her seat behind the desk. The movement made her pussy cry out for attention, preferably from Jason. 

Jason was looking at her with a warm smile. It was different from the other times she’d seen him. He looked less casual. Was he nervous? 
“Well, Miss Hancock,” he said formally. “I want to know why Conner wasn’t invited to the advanced REACH program. I was sure he would be. The boy is gifted.”

“Those invitations are based on test scores and teacher recommendations. The recs don’t come into play that much. It’s mainly test scores. I’d have to look up his scores in the office to see what we’re talking about here,” Mary replied. She noticed that his manner was aggressive, but his eyes still shown in a kind manner. She couldn’t read what was going on with him, but she knew it wasn’t normal. 

“I have them right here. They were mailed last week, but there was no accompanying letter of invitation.” 

Mary watched as he halfway got up from his chair to retrieve the papers from his back pocket. She noticed his athletic thighs under his jeans along with his narrow waist. Her eyes started to drift towards his crotch for a second before she caught herself and looked down. Had she seen a bulge there? She couldn’t be sure.

Before she could look again, he slid the papers across her desk and sat back down. She took them and glanced up to eyes briefly to acknowledge their receipt. Upon meeting his eyes, heat and awareness of her body washed over her. The spark that she had felt was there without a doubt. 

It seemed like a charade, what they were doing. But she had no actual reason to believe he was anything more than a concerned parent. There were no overt gestures. It might have all been in her mind. She hoped not.

The test scores were high which she remembered. Conner had always been a bright and capable student. But it looked like his scores were 2 points under the cutoff for the invitation.

“I’m sorry Mr. Rawlings. His scores just barely missed the mark.”

“But they were close, yes? Can’t you put in a recommendation?” Mary took in his pleading face and wanted to give him anything he wanted. But she hadn’t recommended a student who had scored under the threshold before. She didn’t know how it would look. 

Mary nervously fidgeted with her pen on her desk and brought it to her mouth to chew it. She’d had that nervous habit since she was a kid. “I’ve never done that before Mr. Rawling-“

“Please, call me Jason,” he said standing from his chair and coming around to casually lean on her side of the large desk. “I only want the best for my son. And you probably know how beneficial this program is for kids.” He paused waiting for an answer.

“I do, but-“

“Then you know that as a good dad I would do anything to help my son succeed. I mean, that’s what any parent would do, right?” He inched a little closer to her and caressed her cheek with his finger. Mary almost jumped from his touch. Her legs involuntarily opened a couple of inches and she found herself leaning forward in her chair to listen to Jason. And stare.

“Right, yes, of course. Everyone wants the best for their child.” Jason smiled at her answer. He slowly let his hand drift from her cheek to her breast. He didn’t push or pinch. He merely caressed the shape of her breast over her satin blouse. Mary’s nipples pebbled from the attention. She also felt a fresh cream delivery from her pussy. 

She couldn’t believe this was happening. She had fantasized about this all year. And now it was happening—in her classroom! This was exactly the scenario she wanted. She wanted Jason to eat her pussy and finger fuck her. As much as she wanted his cock, she wanted his fingers even more. She had been noticing his large, muscular hands all year. She had fantasized about what his fingers could do to her. 

Jason put his hands lightly around hers and lifted them, motioning for her to stand. Their lips were almost touching. Mary could smell his minty breath. She was using all of her strength to not let go of all professionalism and sink her mouth onto his. 

“Miss Hancock… Mary. May I call you Mary?” he asked, his hands wrapping around her waist, pulling her hips up against his own. She could feel his bulging cock through his jeans. He was so hard! Mary’s skin came alive at this newfound knowledge—her body preparing to indulge in sexual fun regardless of what her mind thought. 

“Mary, yes, call me Mary.” Jason was staring at her with those penetrating brown eyes. It was as if he could see her completely and knew what she had been fantasizing about this whole year. 

Jason put his soft lips on hers and slowly slid his tongue inside her mouth. She felt rational thought lose the battle for control in her mind. All she was good for was feeling now. One of his hands went up to the back of her neck and his kiss became more passionate. The other started unzipping the zipper of her skirt along her bottom. She had no pantyhose on like many of the teachers wore. And she only wore a thong so she wouldn’t have those unsightly panty lines under her nylon skirt. He soon slipped the skirt off of her and was caressing her bottom. 

Mary knew that another teacher or even the principal could come in at any moment. That frightened and excited her at the same time. Her juices were well on their way outside of her pussy and her thong was becoming a soggy mess. She slipped it down her legs and stepped out of it. She was now naked from the bottom down though she still had her heels on. 

Mary began kissing Jason more forcefully as she gave into her passions. She wrapped her hands around his shoulders and soon started caressing his bulge over his jeans. Her fingers found the button and zipper to his jeans quickly undid them. Jason apparently did not wear underwear. 

“Oh that is perfect!” Mary exclaimed upon finding this out by reaching the head of his throbbing cock. His body gave a little shudder at the contact. 

He paused from kissing her and asked, “Is there anything I can do to change your mind, Mary?” 

As he said this the hand that had been on her cheek was venturing toward her pussy lips, grazing over her rosebud in the process until it reached her wetness. Mary was loving every moment of this. She wanted to take advantage of the situation. Hopefully, Jason wouldn’t mind terribly much.

“Yes,” she said stepping back. “Take off your clothes,” she ordered. As she watched him remove his shoes and the rest of his clothes, she quickly slipped her satin blouse above her head and took off her bra. They were both naked in her classroom, just as she had imagined it. Mary sat on the edge of her desk with her legs spread. Her labia lips were shiny from her juices and her perky breasts moved slightly to the side as she leaned back. 

“Eat me,” she said simply. Without hesitation, Jason got on his knees and buried his face in her sex. His tongue started at the bottom, near her rosebud but not on it. He then shoved his tongue inside her entrance and Mary began to moan. He brought one hand over and put one finger inside of her as his tongue moved upward toward her clit. As the hot moisture made contact with her most sensitive part, she arched her back suddenly. This caused his finger to be rammed all the way inside of her pussy and her clit to be pushed forcefully against his teeth. This drove her even more wild.

He slid another finger inside of her and she squeezed them with her muscles drawing them in further. He slid his fingers in and out of her, slowly at first, then faster. All the while, his tongue was roughly massaging her clit. With his other hand he stroked his blood-filled cock in rhythm to his fingering. Then he shifted his fingering hand around where his thumb faced downward. He stopped eating her and concentrated on just her holes for the time being.

Mary was writhing on her desk. She felt her juices flowing faster and faster but hadn’t quite reached her peak. Then she felt his soft thumb graze her anus and electricity zipped through her body. He slowly began massaging her hole as he fingered her at the same time. Her legs were moving on his shoulders in the rhythm of his hand. 

“Your tongue. Put your tongue back on me!” Mary yelled in desperation. She could feel herself about to crest over the wave of pleasure and wanted his hot tongue to be the thing that pushed her. 

Hot, wet smoothness reached her erect clit. He licked her with his tongue lax at first. The tip of his thumb entered her anus. Her tight muscles gripped his fingers and thumb as they went in and out. Her juices were spread all over her pussy and ass now. 

Jason then started flicking her bud with his pointed tongue while adding another finger to her pussy. He was finger fucking her in both holes, hard. He moaned and the vibration from his voice on her clit was the last straw. She couldn’t hold it back any more. Her hips gyrated wildly as she climaxed and felt the waves of pleasure wash over her. 

Mary’s coming must have turned Jason on because he stood up jacking himself off with one hand and shallowly finger fucking her pussy. His large body tensed as he gave in to the sweet pleasure of coming. He ejaculated on her belly, his seed forming small white pools of opaque liquid across her smooth, pale skin. 

Jason looked at Mary embarrassed after he came. Mary smiled and said, “Don’t worry about it. I have some tissue in the drawer there. You can use them to clean me up.” Jason gingerly wiped both of their juices from her skin while Mary watched, leaning up on her elbows on her desk. The small amount of paperwork on her desk was strewn about but Mary didn’t care. She felt contented.

“So, Mary,” Jason said, “Do you think you can give my son that recommendation after all?” He had that same nervous look in his eyes from earlier. Mary thought he must have been worried that he didn’t close the deal first before making her come. She briefly thought about toying with him and enjoying her power for a few moments, but thought better of it. 

“Yes. Conner is a very bright boy. He will definitely being going places. He must take after his father,” she replied with a wink. “I’ll turn in the recommendation first thing in the morning.”

“Thank you,” said Jason. “For everything.”

“Don’t mention it. I’m just a civil servant.”


About the Author:
Kendall Swan is a stay at home mom and wife in north Texas. She loves writing, reading, and experimenting with erotica. She is an advocate of sexual expression and sexual exploration as a therapeutic tool and a basic necessity for a happy life. When she's not writing or wrangling children, she's researching (and occasionally traveling to) new locales for her stories

NAKED Parent Teacher Conference
A Romantic Words Publishing, LLC book

This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.

Copyright © 2009 by Kendall Swan
Cover Art © 2009 Romantic Words Publishing, LLC

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Erotic Target Chapter 3

The torso was blood soaked. The face was slashed and bloodied, eyes closed. The hands had been propped up on the steering wheel.

The violent mix of emotions the crime scene wrought broiled up in Detective Luke Armstrong's gut. He fought to force them back down. An impassive eye was needed to do his job. And getting the job done was what he was good at. He closed cases.

But he could still never get used to it. Prolonged exposure to the after effects of violence and, at times, evil, had not numbed his insides as he sometimes wished it would.

The gruesome scene was in stark contrast to the manicured lawns up and down the block. Murders didn't occur in these peaceful neighborhoods. Kids rode their bikes to school and dinner was eaten around a table. Murder had no place here.

Luke knew this case would either be closed by morning or drag on forever, replaced by more urgent cases with greater chances of closing.

Luke moved away from the bloodied car to make way for the M.E. Officer Josh Mason approached him on the street.

"Detective. Pretty ugly, huh?"

"Josh. I'm glad you're here. You can assist me on this one. I think I'm gonna need it after the week I've had."

"Really? Thanks, Luke, I appreciate your confidence in me. And, let me say, we're all real sorry about what's happened with Helen. That was pretty cold of her, serving you at the station like that."

"Thanks. I'll tell the Lieutenant that you're with me for this. Now, what do we have so far?"

Josh read from his notepad as they approached the house. Uniformed officers were milling about on the front lawn. Luke scanned the area as they arrived at the front door and noticed a spattering of neighbors watching despite the late hour.

"Victim, Dylan Pogue, 32. Lacerations all over his body. The ME will have to get the total count. I would say the slit in his throat is what killed him, though. It's messy and angry.

"I was the first to respond followed by Officer Tiggs ten seconds later. Thankfully, he saw the body first. Vic is the boyfriend of Scarlett Redmond, 28, owner of the home."

Luke took a step back and took a good look at the house as if for the first time. His eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, she got the house from her parents when they took to the seas for their retirement. Anyway, she's a wreck. He just moved in today. Her friend, Lilly Hawn, 28, is also present and has been all day helping with the move. She's more lucid but pretty shaken, also.

"Vic left the house around twenty one hundred to pick up some dinner. After an hour they starting freaking and then noticed the car still here. They called 911 after they saw him at twenty two oh eight.

"Pretty simple, but no helpful details. Vic never made it beyond getting in the car as far as we can tell. There's no food in the car. Martinez and Gray are canvassing but no witnesses so far," Josh said.

"Yeah, this neighborhood would be pretty quiet that time of night. Maybe there was a lone dog walker or the like. Make sure the canvas checks for that. Okay. Let's go in. I'll interview the girlfriend first. You take care of the friend for a while," Luke said.

"Yes, sir."

"Cut it out, Josh. You know I don't need that sir crap. I've already aged a decade this week."

They went in and Luke surveyed the scene. There were a couple more uniforms in the living room. There were boxes everywhere confirming the just moved in story.

Near the corner of the room was an L-shaped couch. On it sat two hunched over young women. The short haired girl had her arm around the blonde. Her blonde hair covered her face but Luke could see the soft hiccups of her shoulders indicating she was crying or had just stopped.

Her body looked as if had been a punching bag though there wasn't a mark on her. Luke felt the urge to hug her protectively even though he had never met her before. The ferocity of the feeling, the need to hold her, disoriented him momentarily. When he came back to the present, both girls were looking up at him.

"Hi, I'm Detective Luke Armstrong. I'll need to ask you some more questions, if that's okay."

Luke locked eyes with Scarlett and was struck by her beauty. Even with her red-rimmed eyes and tear-streaked face, innocent beauty radiated from her delicate features, tugging at Luke's cock and heart. He knew this case was going to be a hard one for him.

He flipped open his notebook and looked at Lilly who was still protectively hugging Scarlett close.

"You must be…Lilly Hawn. May I ask you to go with Officer Mason for a moment while I ask Ms. Redmond some more questions?"

Lilly looked at Scarlett who silently nodded. Josh escorted Lilly to the back bedroom.

"Should I call you Ms. Red-"

"Scarlett's fine," she said waiving away the niceties.

Luke kneeled in front of her to get a good read on her face as he interviewed her. Unfortunately, this gave him prime viewing of her slight cleavage. He could see her hardened nipples through her shirt and bra. The open front door must have brought in the night's cool breeze. Luke felt fine, but knew from experience that meant a woman was bound to be cold.

"Do you need a blanket or jacket?" Luke asked as reached over her shoulder for the blanket on the top of the couch behind her. He didn't wait for an answer as he pulled it around her fragile frame. He smelled the fruity scent of her shampoo. He settled in front of her to ask his questions and had to remind himself to keep his eyes up.

"Can you walk me through tonight?"

Luke strove to be gentle with her. Regardless of his immediate physical reaction to her, she was clearly in a frail state and necessitated extra care. Her life had been broken apart--to what degree he was about to find out. But she would never be the same. And he would be an indelible shard in one of the worst memories of her life.

This part of the process wasn't pleasant. It never was. But this was the life he chosen almost two decades back. There was no turning back now, no matter that the job suffocated every other part of his life.

Scarlett grimaced as she inhaled.

"He moved in today. Did you know that? We were taking that step. He wanted us to get a place together. I didn't want to move so he came to me. And now he's dead."

Scarlett stared at Luke, her eyes searching, lost. Her tears overflowed again and new liquid trails were formed down her cheeks. Luke resisted the urge to wipe them away. If she had anything to do with her boyfriend's murder, she was doing a damn good job of hiding it.

"What happened today?" Luke prodded.

Coming out of her grief and recalling events she began, "He spent the night here last night. He did that a lot."

Scarlett's face conveyed her meaning. Luke acknowledged this with his own look that was designed to mask the excitement that sparked through his body at understanding that she had been fucked last night, like most nights.

"Go on."

"Lilly, my best friend," Scarlett motioned her head towards the back bedroom before continuing, "she met us at Dylan's to help load the moving truck. It went quick and we arrived here this afternoon. Then it got weird. "

"How do you mean, weird?"

"Levi, from next door, kinda freaked out about Derek's car being in front of his house. I don't think he meant anything by it. He was probably just having a hard day. He reminds me of some of my more troubled kids at school. They just need a little more love and discipline. Except he's grown."

"Levi lives next door?" Luke motioned to his left. Scarlett nodded.

"How long have you known him?"

"More than two years. He's edgy and tough but I've never seen him be violent. He certainly couldn't have done that," she said gesturing towards the door and bowing her head.

A bleeding heart. That's what she was. Great. She won't be much help of she doesn't think some confrontational punk next door had anything to do with that evidence of rage outside. Normally, this type of thing would annoy Luke. But he only noted it and moved on.

"Can you describe Levi freaking out about Derek's car? Walk me through that."

Scarlett's face scrunched up to think. Luke stifled a smile. Despite the job he was supposed to be doing, her innocence struck him again. She had such a girlish air making her not look anything near her twenty eight years. A bubble of pure sexual desire floated up in Luke's psyche and was popped just as quickly as it came.

Luke would maintain control around this woman. He had to.

"Please continue, Scarlett."

She shifted her legs and brought them up Indian style. Luke couldn't help but notice her easy flexibility. His mind wandered to her legs reaching mind-bending angles around his body as he pounded his cock deep inside her tiny body.

God this has to stop!

Luke's cock grew immediately. He shifted his weight on the floor in front of her. When that didn't give him relief, he sat beside her on the couch, angling his body towards hers as much as possible.

"He was angry. He stormed out of the house and demanded Dylan move his car. Dylan stayed in control. It didn't escalate."

She broke eye contact with him and made another futile attempt to control her emotions. Doing his best to come across as blank but compassionate, Luke waited.

"I remember Bill from across the street was watching. Lilly wanted to do something about Levi but I held her back. Then. I don't know. It was over. Honestly, I would have forgotten about it if …"

It looked like she might break down again. Instead she brought her anguished face back up with considerable effort.

Luke was struck by her obvious pain. That couldn't be faked. He didn't believe in his gut that she had anything to do with this. But gut feelings weren't evidence.

Scarlett continued, "After that Bill came over to introduce himself to Dylan. He was really nice. He offered to help us with the boxes. He told Dylan to watch out for Levi and then went back inside. That's it. We finished unloading the truck. We were hungry and I was too tired to cook. I wanted takeout. Why couldn't I have just made us dinner?"

The tears flowed with abandon now. Luke knew he wasn't going to get much more out of her tonight. A couple more questions and he would wrap this up.

"Do you know of anyone who might want to hurt your boyfriend?"

"No. No one. He was a great guy. Everyone loved him."

That was the standard response in the first stages of grief. Memories and details would soon float to the surface little by little.

"Anything out of the ordinary besides moving in with you? At his work, maybe?"

"I don't think so. I don't know his coworkers well. But he never seemed stressed or anything."

"That's all for now. I'll need you to get me his work information and to stay available. Do you have somewhere you can stay tonight?"

"Lilly's. I'll stay there," Scarlett said.

"Okay, Scarlett, wait here. I need to talk to Ms. Hawn. I won't be long."

Luke stood, feeling relief and sadness that the interview was over. She looked up at him with forlorn eyes. In the brief moment they held each other's gaze, Luke's professional armor turned to ash. Whatever this bizarre power was that she had over him, he was defenseless against it. He was lost in her eyes and beholden to her body.

This had to stop. Or he would have to turn the case over to someone else. That would piss off the Lieutenant and Luke would be left to stew over the remains of his failed marriage.

Mercifully, Scarlett looked down, freeing Luke from having to conjure up enough self control to willingly break their raw connection. He thought she felt something, too. But the girl did just lose her boyfriend. He put a hand on her shoulder and moved away quickly.

Luke reached the bedroom and had difficulty not envisioning Scarlett naked on the bed as he recalled what she said about Dylan sleeping over. Most nights, she said. Most nights she was getting fucked. He deleted the image from his mind.

He conducted a cursory interview with Ms. Hawn. She confirmed everything Scarlett had reported. Her emotion was palpable as well. However, Luke did wonder if that emotion had more to do with worry over Scarlett than grief over the victim.

"Thanks for your patience, Ms. Hawn. Ms. Redmond mentioned staying with you tonight. I can have a uniform drive you two there," said Luke.

"Yes. No. I mean, yes, she'll stay with me. No, my car is down the street."

Luke watched her return to her friend and wondered if she was the butchering type.  

Friday, June 15, 2012

Erotic Target Chapter 2

Lilly, Dylan, and Scarlett had gotten the truck loaded with minimal drama. They had stopped for a pizza and beer break before arriving back at Scarlett's to unload the truck. Scarlett loved that Dylan didn't complain much when she and Lilly spent more time joking around than working.

Lilly and Scarlett had been best friends since childhood and had even managed to get teaching jobs together at the same grade school. Lilly was the wild child to Scarlett's more responsible girl next door. Eyebrows always shot up as people tried to picture Scarlett's wacky friend teaching America's youth. Their love and history bonded them together. They balanced each other out almost as if they were a married couple themselves.

"Ladies. I don't expect y'all to do much. But surely a box here or there couldn't hurt," Dylan said as he returned from the house to grab another load.

"Hey, you. This is your car, right? Move it," Levi ordered from his front yard next door. Lean, decked out in black, with spikes and piercings adorning his hair and body, Levi was without a doubt the strangest resident on the block. Goth wasn't the main flavor in this Dallas suburb. And nobody knew how or why he moved here in the first place.

Dylan turned and visibly calmed himself down, preferring to take the high road with his new neighbor.
"Levi, right?" Not waiting for an answer, he continued, "I'm terribly sorry about our cars being parked in front of your house. I'm sure you can see the reason why," he said gesturing to the moving van behind him in the driveway.

"I don't care. My band is coming over and your cars need to be gone. Move 'em now."

Scarlett was becoming worried now. Levi was bad neighbor with a bad temper. But she had never done anything to offend him and so had never been on the receiving end of his petulant wrath before. In fact, last month he offered her a smile for the first time in two and half years.

Now, seeing dark emotions fill him up in a flash, she thought of him with pity. He was a great looking guy. Scarlett had only noticed this when the smile was offered. It was the first time she saw beyond the ugliness of his demeanor that he clung to like a protective shield.

Lilly stepped forward ready for action. Scarlett pulled her back before she could make things worse. "Wait," Scarlett whispered under her breath to Lilly.

Lilly saw the concern in Scarlett's blue eyes and backed off. They both turned their eyes back to Dylan and Levi. Dylan lifted his hands up to motion he was backing off.

"Okay, Levi. We'll move the cars. Sorry to get you so upset. Calm down, okay," Dylan said.

Levi bristled at the instruction.  "I am calm," he said with simmering fury slicing through Dylan.
Dylan answered with his own stare. Everyone stood silent for more than thirty seconds. It was finally broken by the sound of Bill, Scarlett's across the street neighbor opening his storm door, presumably to see what was going.

"Move your cars and don't fuck with me again," Levi shouted before storming back inside his own house, slamming the door shut with dramatic flair.

"What the hell was that?" Lilly asked. Before anyone could answer Bill had approached their group on Scarlett's yard.

"You're not moving are you, Scarlett?" Bill asked as he surveyed Lilly and Dylan.

"Are you kidding? I'll probably never leave this house. But Dylan, here, is moving in," Scarlett said brightly as she put her hand around Dylan's waist. Dylan wiped his hand on his jeans and offered it to Bill.

"I don't think we've formally met. I'm Bill Huntington. You're moving in, huh? I guess now I know why I've seen you around here a lot lately." Bill's eyes traveled to Scarlett, making her pale skin blush.

"Do you need any help? I have about an hour free before my wife gets back with the kids."

"Oh, we couldn't ask you to do that. That's really sweet, though. But I think we got it," Scarlett replied.

"Okay, well. Welcome to the neighborhood Dylan. And steer clear of that one. He's odd," Bill said motioning with his head towards Levi's house.

"Will do. Nice meeting you Bill," Dylan replied.

"Dude, you couldn't have more opposite neighbors," Lilly said as she grabbed an obviously light box from the truck. "Does this one go in the garage or the office?"

After the last box was unloaded Scarlett, Dylan, and Lilly plopped down on the couch in the newly crowded living room.

"Surrounded by two beautiful women. What more could a man ask for?" Dylan joked as he grabbed both of their thighs. Both girls giggled and swatted him away.

"In your dreams lover boy," Lilly teased. Scarlett noticed Lilly's long and lean body as she stood to move to the chair. "We need some more beer and pizza. Dylannnn," Lilly trilled.

"Not pizza again. Honey, can you get Chinese takeout for us?" Scarlett added, mimicking the puppy dog eyes Lilly was using on him.

Dylan looked at Scarlett's big blue eyes and his heart skipped a beat. He realized that this would be their first meal as a couple living together. He gave in to the emotion he was feeling and ravaged Scarlett's mouth, his bulky body beginning to overtake her on the couch.

"Dylan!" Scarlett pulled away from his rough kiss and scolded him with her eyes. "We are not alone. Lilly is right there."

Dylan pulled back up to a sitting position and looked over at Lilly apologetically.

"Sorry 'bout that. I just get overcome sometimes and now we're living together…" Dylan said.

"I can appreciate that, sport, but I'm thinking watching y'all have sex is a line I don't really want to cross.

Though I do appreciate you taking care of my girl." Lilly gave Scarlett a quick smile before turning her eyes back to Dylan. "Now, you're the man-- go hunt or something. Get us some food. Oh, and, just a tip from me to you--I wouldn't park in front of Levi's house again. Just sayin'."

Scarlett watched as Dylan dodged a few boxes to grab his keys and wallet. He gave her a wink as she watched him walk out the door. Scarlett felt content and happy, at least for the moment. She noted that she should concentrate on it. Because moments like these, they never last.  

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Erotic Target Chapter 1

Sexual electricity ignited Scarlett's fatigued body to life. Dylan's hand cupped her between her legs and his lips had taken over hers. Scarlett was tired from packing at Dylan's and wanted to get a good night's sleep before moving Dylan's stuff in tomorrow. He had other ideas.

She wanted to fend him off. To let her body relax and repose before the all-day workout they faced. Scarlett hated moving. But Dylan loved her and wanted to live with her. He broke his lease to be with her every day and every night. As Dylan's fingers slid inside Scarlett, she figured this was one of the reasons why.

The first orgasm came up on her quickly. The last remnants of resistance faded into the pleasant sexual oblivion Scarlett was experiencing at Dylan's hand. He pulled his slick fingers out and his cock took their place. He gently rocked her beneath him.

Scarlett considered herself a sexual person, in touch with her body and her mind. It was because of that she knew Dylan's penis would never completely satisfy her. Guilt shrouded her mind the moment that thought snuck in. She batted it away and concentrated on squeezing Dylan from the inside.

She gripped his shoulders and hugged his hips with her legs as he moved in and out. Sex shouldn't be a deal breaker, she thought. She always enjoyed herself. And he was great with his tongue. That was much harder to find than a big dick. And he loved her so much. She was safe with him. She needed that after everything.

Dylan had waited patiently for her to love him. He was a patient friend and eventually became her patient lover.

Scarlett was wet and enjoyed feeling Dylan inside her. He continued pumping, building up to his orgasm.

"Scarlett, oh, baby," he moaned when he was getting close. She wasn't yet satisfied and thought about taking a shower to finish herself off. There was no need to rub it in his face that she needed to come a couple more times with her much larger vibrator in order to be sated.

Dylan's cock grew slightly larger inside Scarlett's pussy signaling his impending explosion. It was only in these brief seconds that his cock rubbed her just right. A few thrusts later he was done.

Scarlett hugged his body as he lay on top of her. She could feel the small beads of sweat that covered his back. Her unsatisfied lust was being reluctantly transmuted into affection. Scarlett caressed him and covered his scratchy cheek with feathery kisses.

Dylan lazily rolled off of her keeping his hand on her stomach. Scarlett started to slide off of her side of the bed to slip into the shower.

"Where are you going, hon?"

"I want to take a shower. We probably won't have time in the morning. Lilly is going to be at your place to help with the move at seven," Scarlett said.

"Do you have to? I love falling asleep holding you. Come back. Please," Dylan begged.

Scarlett's body had already begun ratcheting down the second Dylan spoke. It didn't take long for her to give in and return to bed.

Their nude bodies cozied up to each other under her oversized quilt. Dylan was asleep in seconds. Scarlett had always been jealous of his close relationship with sleep. Scarlett's relationship with it was ambivalent at best. When she didn't dream, it was a luxury she appreciated and enjoyed. Unfortunately, the nightmares stole her peace constantly.  

Friday, March 9, 2012

Pleasure Cruise Lines: Tally Part 5

The dildo went to the furthest reaches of Tally's womb.  There was mild pain as Kylie pushed harder and faster against Tally.  She was having to use her shoulders to bear all of the force and not get knocked over.  It was very confusing because Kylie had been so concerned about Tally's enjoyment up until then.  But after a couple minutes the sound of Kylie's scream when she came told Tally why she was doing that, why she had been ignoring her.  Tally was glad that Kylie had come.  She felt bad for being the first one to come a few minutes ago.  But Kylie's tongue...
 Tally looked up at Mark and found him ogling Kylie.  Tally felt a tiny twinge of something.  She didn't want to admit to herself that it was probably jealousy.  She needed to take control of the situation.
Tally pulled away from Kylie and pulled the dildo out of her pussy.  She resumed her position with her mouth an inch from Mark's cock and her ass facing John and Bill. 
Before she said anything John started fucking Kylie's mouth.  Tally looked up at Mark and winked.  She could at least maintain the illusion that she was in control of her emotions.  Even if she wasn't.
"Bill, why don't you fuck while I kiss all over Mark."  Yes, Tally could play the sophisticated prostitute if she really wanted to. 
Bill grinned and suggested they all head to the bed.  Tally was glad he suggested this as her knees were already getting carpet burn.
All five of them went to the massive bedroom where Tally had been licked, sucked, and fucked multiple times by Mark just the night before.  They got into their various positions and the true orgy began.

Tally began sucking Mark off, trying her best to stuff the realization that she was truly desperate for his and only his attentions.  She felt Bill grab her hips from behind and he slowly entered her.  After the large dildo he felt only average.  He was probably pretty big himself but she was stretched out. 
Tally blocked out being fucked as she deep throated Mark's cock and massaged his balls.  She pulled out and licked up and down his shaft and then sucked on one ball and then the other while stroking him.  His hands in her hair guided her mouth back to his cock and she deep throated him again.  Like last night, his balls began moving up and he shot his load down her throat again.  She made the swallowing motions and only then noticed that she was still being fucked from behind. 
Bill was really ramming her as she pulled her mouth off of Mark's cock.  She smiled at Mark and he gave her a warm smile back and mouthed 'thank you'.  Tally beamed.
She looked over to see Kylie getting banged from behind just as she was.  All the men seemed to really like that position.  Tally pulled her torso up to give her wrists a break and Bill immediately latched on to both of her small breasts, squeezing her flesh and pinching her nipples.  Then he sucked her on neck, all the while moving in and out of her more slowly.
It was starting to hurt a little even with the slower speed.  Tally rubbed her clit to compensate.  That did the trick.  She was able to enjoy the sex again. 
Mark came over to her and kissed her deeply while replacing her hand with his own.  His lips electrified Tally as she ran her hands through his hair and up and down his back.  She could feel him getting hard again which turned her on even more. 
John let out a moan as he came inside Kylie and unceremoniously pulled out.  Mark pulled away from Tally, bringing her back to the reality that she was not getting fucked by Mark but by Bill who seemed to be going on forever in the same motion. 
"Bill, let me have a taste of that," John said as he eyed Tally. 
"Lay on your back," John ordered with a smile as he jacked himself off.  Mark was eying Kylie on the bed. 
Tally kept her eyes on Mark as she did as she was told and spread her legs.  Her view of Mark was obstructed as Kylie came over and straddled Tally's head.  She lowered her pussy slowly to Tally's mouth. Tally licked, enjoying Kylie's juices and swollen lips.  She reached up and massaged her clit causing Kylie to moan. 
John was doing her slowly, taking his time with each stroke and squeezing her tits at the same time.  Tally found that she actually liked how John felt inside of her as well as his hands.  It reminded her of Mark. 
Kylie's pussy rose out of reach of Tally's tongue but not out of view.  She was still straddling Tally's head as Mark entered her from behind.  Tally could see his cock find her entrance and her hand guide it deeper.  He was soon filling Kylie up inches from Tally's face. 
The beginnings of jealousy welled up inside Tally and she panicked.  She couldn't freak out.  Whether she liked it or not, this was her job right now.  She willed her feelings to disappear.  When they didn't she tried another tactic on herself.  Mark clearly wants someone who can pleasure him in many different ways including by being in a group, she reasoned.  I can be that girl--I will prove it, Tally thought.
This seemed to work as she was able to concentrate on enjoying being done by John, wondering if Mark was noticing this, and secretly hoping it pleased him to no end if he did.
Kylie and Mark moved away from her head.  Kylie lay down on her back next to Tally and Mark entered her again after Bill turned down an offer by him to take a turn in Kylie's pussy.  Instead, Bill lowered his cock near Kylie's head.  She leaned up on her elbows and started sucking. 
She is the real deal, Tally thought.  I need to take notes.
John was enjoying their show also because his tempo and pressure increased.  Tally could feel him reaching deep inside of her.  This naturally turned her on without any effort on her part.  Her body heated up. 
Tally found herself loving the show right next to her, also.  Mark's lusty eyes and taut body taking Kylie's voluptuous form.  Her nipples were pebbled and moved up and down with her large breasts to the rhythm of Mark's hips as her mouth bobbed with each stroke of Bill's cock in her mouth.
It was hot, Tally had to admit.  This is why men love orgies, she thought.
The sheer lust of the whole situation propelled her over the edge and she cried out as she came.  John smiled triumphantly and shoved his cock as deep inside of her has he could and held it there as her pussy undulated within. 
He pulled out and told her to turn over and get on all fours, again with a smile.
Tally complied.  And watched the Kylie show going on in front of her. 
Kylie stopped sucking Bill for a second and turned to face her.  Tally bent over to kiss her which Kylie seemed to receive gratefully.  Tally's body inched forward as they kissed passionately and John went forward to stay with her.  
"So hot," he said to Mark as he watched the women kiss.  He grabbed Tally's hips and began pounding her, grunting with each thrust. 
Tally couldn't concentrate on kissing and had to stop.  Kylie motioned for Mark to stop his own in and out, which he did politely.  She then scooted herself under Tally's crotch and licked Tally's nub and John's thrusting shaft as it entered and exited Tally's hole.  Tally saw Kylie's legs spread, beckoning one of the remaining to men to enter her.  Mark gestured again for Bill to have a turn and he did this time.
Tally grew extra wet with the hard fucking and the velvety licking of her clit.  Then she locked eyes with Mark who had been admiring the scene before him as he played with himself.  Mark had an effect on her, one she couldn't deny.  But she reminded herself that she needed to be a team player to show him she could be whatever he wanted. 
She broke their gaze and shut her eyes, indulging in the rising heat from the intensity of what was being done to her body at that moment.
That's when she felt it. 


John's finger entered her ass.  He was still pounding her and Kylie's tongue rippled quickly across her tiny, almost worn out nub.  But that finger brought whole new sensations, good ones, that gave new life to her pleasure.
Instead of vaguely enjoying, or worse-merely enduring, Tally's passions were brought to the fore again as they obliterated her overactive and insecure brain. 
She came hard again as she was fucked in her pussy and fingered in her ass while a sweet tongue danced with her clit.  All that was missing was a cock in her mouth, she thought.
Previously dormant nerve endings got attention, craved it as if she had been craving it this whole time. 
She found herself wishing to be fucked in the ass as she swam over her peak and found herself still wanting instead of sated. 
She didn't want just an ass fucking.  That would be like having just the sauce without the meat.  It would be nice at first but not substantial.  The sauce is made better with the meat the same way having her ass tickled with a stubby, thick finger made the cock inside of her more rich, more....  Just more.
Tally craved more but didn't ask for it.  She wanted Mark's cock to be the first to go there.  She stayed silent.
And squeezed as mild enjoyment resumed.  It degraded to only 'enduring' when Kylie stopped licking and shifted to her hands and knees for her own pussy and mouth to be taken by Bill and Mark again.
Tally watched as Mark and Bill shoved their cocks in her orifices and she took it.  Not only took it, loved it.  Her breasts rocked with each ram of Mark's hips against hers only making them more beautiful in Tally's opinion. Tally would be forever thankful to Kylie for making tonight so much easier.  Tally was able to stretch out of her comfort zones and even create the beginning of new ones as she experienced so many new things on this evening. 
She enjoyed a lot of it on her own.  She really did enjoy sex or she probably wouldn't have dared to enter onto this particular path in the name of ambition.  But her nerves might well have gotten the best of her tonight without Kylie. 
John's pounding grew harder, faster.  He came, creating a trend because Mark and Bill followed suit shortly after, shooting their loads inside Kylie and all over her face.
The five of them flopped all over the bed.  Naked, sweaty, and spent.
Tally must have drifted off because she woke to Kylie gently shaking her, telling her it was time to go.  She dressed quickly, always watching Mark's peaceful sleeping face, wishing he would wake and request her to stay the night. 
She reached the door with Kylie and looked back one last time to find his eyes open.  Her heart fluttered with expectation. 
He mouthed the word 'bye'.
Embarrassment and hurt took over as she hurried from the room, chastising herself for being childish.  Despite this awareness, she couldn't help hoping like a school girl that he would request her again the following night.  Alone. 
Tally rubbed the cream Gemma gave her all over her pussy lips and anus.  It stung but an hour later she was no longer sore or swollen.  It was as if all evidence of the previous night's debauchery disappeared. 
Anticipation of time with Mark--even in a group--kept Tally wet most of the day.  It took effort not to relieve herself by coming just once.  And even a stray thought of finding Kylie and asking her to 'show her the ropes' with her licking techniques crossed Tally's mind.  She was on a slow simmer, her body aching to go up to a full blown burn. 
But she refrained.  For Mark. 
She wanted to give it all to Mark.  She knew she shouldn't feel this way.  It didn't matter.  She did and there was nothing she could do about it now. 
If he didn't request her tonight, she would deal.  Some other man would get the benefit of all of the groundwork Mark laid with her emotions.  But she hoped he would.  Even though she knew she shouldn't.

Tally's heart wiggled when she found out her wish had been fulfilled.  Mark had requested her for another night.  Then her heart nearly attempted to leave her body when she arrived at the suite and found it empty, save Mark.  He treated her to a private tasting menu prepared by the Chef de Cuisine of the entire ship. 
He really likes me for me not just my body, Tally thought. 
It was a dangerous thought, of that she was aware. 
They clicked and connected like she had never felt with anyone else before.  He was beautiful and smart and fun.  A better man than any she had ever met before. 
But this isn't a date, she reminded herself.  This is for your career.  It's...method acting, she rationalized to herself.
Mark swirled his wine, boasting of its rarity then nibbled on Tally and repeated the same.
Their bodies met, intertwined, and matched multiple times that evening.
And the next.
It wasn't until their fifth and final night together after hours of what Tally could only call love making that she revealed her true feelings for him, admitting she wanted to quit, to be with Mark because she was falling in love with him. 
A darkness cast over his features after she spoke.  He looked away and pulled his arm out from under her head, breaking her heart in the process. 
It took everything she had, every ounce of control to not cry.  She swamped her brain with every thought of the mundane from tax returns and sunscreen all the way to the amazing from academy awards and mansions.  She distracted herself and managed to keep the hurt from swelling too far out of control. 
"I'm sorry.  I just assumed.  You said you wanted to be an actress.  I just assumed."
He caressed her cheek and went to the shower, staying in there for the full thirty minutes Tally waited before giving up and leaving. 
Embarrassed and ashamed, Tally quit the next day.

[Two years later]

Mark arrived at his office to find the cigar arrangement laid out on his desk.  His assistant informed him it had arrived that morning with no name.  Intrigued, Mark hunted through the elegant humidor to find a small, black envelope.  In it was a hand written note that read:

 I have never thanked you, Mark, for giving me the opportunity to play the role of a lifetime in my film that came out last year.  The invitation to audition was very confusing for me for many months even after I got the role.  Only this morning have I found out that I am nominated for an Oscar for my performance.  I still have no proof that you arranged this audition for me.  None of the producers will admit such thing to me.  But the conclusion seems right. 
So I thank you for our time together as well as your role in taking my career to a new level.  While I still think it is a consolation prize compared to being with you, it is one I will accept gratefully.  Yours truly, Tally

Mark smelled the note and detected a whiff of jasmine, the scent Tally always wore.  He was gratified that he was able to give something to her since at such a personal cost she had made his time on Pleasure Cruise Lines so enjoyable.  The world would get to enjoy Tally Davies now, but not the way he had.  Never the way he had.