Friday, June 15, 2012

Erotic Target Chapter 2

Lilly, Dylan, and Scarlett had gotten the truck loaded with minimal drama. They had stopped for a pizza and beer break before arriving back at Scarlett's to unload the truck. Scarlett loved that Dylan didn't complain much when she and Lilly spent more time joking around than working.

Lilly and Scarlett had been best friends since childhood and had even managed to get teaching jobs together at the same grade school. Lilly was the wild child to Scarlett's more responsible girl next door. Eyebrows always shot up as people tried to picture Scarlett's wacky friend teaching America's youth. Their love and history bonded them together. They balanced each other out almost as if they were a married couple themselves.

"Ladies. I don't expect y'all to do much. But surely a box here or there couldn't hurt," Dylan said as he returned from the house to grab another load.

"Hey, you. This is your car, right? Move it," Levi ordered from his front yard next door. Lean, decked out in black, with spikes and piercings adorning his hair and body, Levi was without a doubt the strangest resident on the block. Goth wasn't the main flavor in this Dallas suburb. And nobody knew how or why he moved here in the first place.

Dylan turned and visibly calmed himself down, preferring to take the high road with his new neighbor.
"Levi, right?" Not waiting for an answer, he continued, "I'm terribly sorry about our cars being parked in front of your house. I'm sure you can see the reason why," he said gesturing to the moving van behind him in the driveway.

"I don't care. My band is coming over and your cars need to be gone. Move 'em now."

Scarlett was becoming worried now. Levi was bad neighbor with a bad temper. But she had never done anything to offend him and so had never been on the receiving end of his petulant wrath before. In fact, last month he offered her a smile for the first time in two and half years.

Now, seeing dark emotions fill him up in a flash, she thought of him with pity. He was a great looking guy. Scarlett had only noticed this when the smile was offered. It was the first time she saw beyond the ugliness of his demeanor that he clung to like a protective shield.

Lilly stepped forward ready for action. Scarlett pulled her back before she could make things worse. "Wait," Scarlett whispered under her breath to Lilly.

Lilly saw the concern in Scarlett's blue eyes and backed off. They both turned their eyes back to Dylan and Levi. Dylan lifted his hands up to motion he was backing off.

"Okay, Levi. We'll move the cars. Sorry to get you so upset. Calm down, okay," Dylan said.

Levi bristled at the instruction.  "I am calm," he said with simmering fury slicing through Dylan.
Dylan answered with his own stare. Everyone stood silent for more than thirty seconds. It was finally broken by the sound of Bill, Scarlett's across the street neighbor opening his storm door, presumably to see what was going.

"Move your cars and don't fuck with me again," Levi shouted before storming back inside his own house, slamming the door shut with dramatic flair.

"What the hell was that?" Lilly asked. Before anyone could answer Bill had approached their group on Scarlett's yard.

"You're not moving are you, Scarlett?" Bill asked as he surveyed Lilly and Dylan.

"Are you kidding? I'll probably never leave this house. But Dylan, here, is moving in," Scarlett said brightly as she put her hand around Dylan's waist. Dylan wiped his hand on his jeans and offered it to Bill.

"I don't think we've formally met. I'm Bill Huntington. You're moving in, huh? I guess now I know why I've seen you around here a lot lately." Bill's eyes traveled to Scarlett, making her pale skin blush.

"Do you need any help? I have about an hour free before my wife gets back with the kids."

"Oh, we couldn't ask you to do that. That's really sweet, though. But I think we got it," Scarlett replied.

"Okay, well. Welcome to the neighborhood Dylan. And steer clear of that one. He's odd," Bill said motioning with his head towards Levi's house.

"Will do. Nice meeting you Bill," Dylan replied.

"Dude, you couldn't have more opposite neighbors," Lilly said as she grabbed an obviously light box from the truck. "Does this one go in the garage or the office?"

After the last box was unloaded Scarlett, Dylan, and Lilly plopped down on the couch in the newly crowded living room.

"Surrounded by two beautiful women. What more could a man ask for?" Dylan joked as he grabbed both of their thighs. Both girls giggled and swatted him away.

"In your dreams lover boy," Lilly teased. Scarlett noticed Lilly's long and lean body as she stood to move to the chair. "We need some more beer and pizza. Dylannnn," Lilly trilled.

"Not pizza again. Honey, can you get Chinese takeout for us?" Scarlett added, mimicking the puppy dog eyes Lilly was using on him.

Dylan looked at Scarlett's big blue eyes and his heart skipped a beat. He realized that this would be their first meal as a couple living together. He gave in to the emotion he was feeling and ravaged Scarlett's mouth, his bulky body beginning to overtake her on the couch.

"Dylan!" Scarlett pulled away from his rough kiss and scolded him with her eyes. "We are not alone. Lilly is right there."

Dylan pulled back up to a sitting position and looked over at Lilly apologetically.

"Sorry 'bout that. I just get overcome sometimes and now we're living together…" Dylan said.

"I can appreciate that, sport, but I'm thinking watching y'all have sex is a line I don't really want to cross.

Though I do appreciate you taking care of my girl." Lilly gave Scarlett a quick smile before turning her eyes back to Dylan. "Now, you're the man-- go hunt or something. Get us some food. Oh, and, just a tip from me to you--I wouldn't park in front of Levi's house again. Just sayin'."

Scarlett watched as Dylan dodged a few boxes to grab his keys and wallet. He gave her a wink as she watched him walk out the door. Scarlett felt content and happy, at least for the moment. She noted that she should concentrate on it. Because moments like these, they never last.