Friday, December 21, 2012



Carissa knew she looked good in her elf costume but felt self conscious in it as she walked through the nearly empty mall to the Santa station in the early morning hours of Black Friday.  Her boss that she had interviewed with two days before greeted her there and apologized for not having enough time to introduce her to her fellow elves and the Santa she would be working with for the next few weeks. 

Her boss was going on about how to do something but Carissa was having a hard time listening because she was struck by the Santa's eyes.  They were pale blue with green specks but there was something in them that mesmerized her--a compassion with an edge, something.  Carissa suddenly became even more aware of her skimpy tights and leotard with an elf jacket costume.  Those Santa eyes would be watching her.  She could tell by the small amount of face she could see that he was not that old and definitely not overweight.  She wondered how he had gotten the Santa job in the first place.  He literally didn't fit the part. 

"Do you think you can handle that, Carissa?" her boss asked.

"Uh, yes, no problem.  Thanks, Ms. Watson."

Carissa didn't know what she had said yes to but figured she could pick it up as she went along.  She could always ask the other elves for help, if necessary.  She stashed her backpack with her change of clothes under the red felt drop cloth covering the register table and readied herself for the onslaught of distraught children and high strung parents.    

The mall opened with much fanfare to celebrate the vast amounts of money they would be taking in and in no time the line for Santa pictures was over an hour long.  Carissa caught on quickly as she suspected she would.  She, the other elves, and the Santa all played their roles easily. 

It soon became clear why the Santa had been hired.  The kids loved him.  Despite the costume and huge North Pole setup, he could get laughs out of the most shy and intimidated kids.  His demeanor was fun and light--jolly even-- and charisma oozed from him effortlessly. 

The Santa caught her staring at him a couple of times.  Carissa was curious what the rest of his face looked like under the fake beard, mustache, and hair.  Each time he caught her, the corners of those eyes would turn up.  She assumed there was a smile looming under the bushel of fake, white hair on his face. 

The day went by quickly and Carissa's feet ached from standing all day.  She barely noticed because of the wordless flirting that had gone on all day with the Santa.  There was some kind of chemistry there even though they hadn't spoken to each other.  She hadn't even seen his face and yet felt drawn to him.

Carissa finished up closing the North Pole for the night and headed to the lockers to change out of her pixie elf outfit.  This morning's experience walking around in her barely there costume made of felt and covered in bells convinced her of the need to change at the mall instead of at her mom's house.

When she rounded the corner into the locker room she saw the Santa bending over and taking off his Santa pants.  She froze, afraid this was the wrong locker room and stood transfixed by the body in front of her.  The bad florescent lighting couldn't wash out his tan and muscular frame--a far cry from the image of Santa Clause. 

Carissa's eyes started down at his sinewy legs and moved up to his black boxers.  She noticed how the cloth draped delicately over the bulge between his legs.  The waistband hugged his lean waist that sat below his firm stomach.  Carissa stared at his midsection and thought she could see the faint hint of a six pack.  She continued her survey up to his filled out pecs that were dusted with curly salt and pepper chest hair. 

Carissa's eyes finally landed on his rugged face.  Besides being the opposite of Santa, his angular jaw was down right sexy.  Carissa had not been expecting to see a vision such as this half naked man in the locker room.  Her surprised face must have registered with the Santa because when she finally met his eyes, he was smirking.

"Not what you were expecting, right?" he asked.

"What?  Um, no, not at all, actually," Carissa stammered.  She suddenly became aware of the slight wetness between her legs and the hardness of her nipples.  Thankfully, those physical cues of her desire were not visible to the Santa.  Suddenly, a small but pushy part of Carissa's mind wished they were.

The Santa's gaze had a similar effect as earlier.  She felt the fierce connection they had been experiencing all day in brief instances, though not this urgently.  Her body immediately responded with a jolt.  The connection along with his almost naked body standing before her was nearly too much for Carissa. 

She felt the urge to feel that body up against hers.  She took a step closer unconsciously and watched as a grateful smiled crept across the Santa's face.  It was only then that her awareness came back to her, at least in part, and she realized the empty room wasn't supposed to be empty.  The other elf girls should be there, too.  Again the Santa read the confusion on her face because he spoke as if he could read her mind.

"All the other girls came and got their stuff.  They don't stick around long.  And they mostly change in the ladies restroom up the hall," he said.

"Oh," was all Carissa could muster in response.  Her mind was in a battle for control over her body. 

'Go to the bathroom, NOW!' it ordered.

'Kiss him,' her body responded back.

In a split second decision Carissa decided to let her body win for once.  She had been holding back during school so she could concentrate on her studies.  But she was on Christmas vacation now and her young body was demanding satisfaction. 

Carissa took another step towards the Santa.  They were only a couple of feet apart.  Though her body had won the battle for control, her mind had not gone into the silent night. 

'Ask him his name,' her mind squeaked.

"Uh, what's your name?" Carissa asked less smoothly than she would have liked. 

"Edward," the Santa responded.  He stuck out his hand casually.

"Carissa," she said as she put her hand in his and shook it.  She immediately noticed the feel of his skin against hers.  Trivial as the touch may be, it was dousing gasoline on an already burning flame within Carissa that had begun to burn the moment she took in his handsome and decidedly un-Santa-like form. 

"Nice to meet you, Carissa.  You did a good job today for your first day.  You have a way with children."

"So do you.  I've never seen anyone get a child to open up as quickly as you do.  It's no wonder you're a Santa.  Despite not having the body for it all," Carissa replied, scanning his body admiringly as she spoke.

Edward laughed heartily before his demeanor shifted slightly to reveal a trace of self-consciousness.  He looked down and started moving quickly to dress. 

"Sorry.  How inappropriate of me.  I'm figured I had the locker room to myself.  I'll dress quickly and get out of your way." 

Alarm flooded Carissa's body like a cold shower.  She internally scrambled to find a reason for him to stay. 

"You don’t have to go," she blurted out without thinking. 

Carissa couldn't believe she had just said those words out loud.  Her body froze in response. 

Edward paused and turned back around to face her.  He did not say anything but Carissa could see that same small smile and a hint of excitement glimmer in his eyes. Inside, her body danced in response.

"What do you mean?" he asked purposefully. 

"Uh, I don't really know," Carissa said as she eyed his body.  Her body knew what it wanted but she didn't entirely know how to go about getting it. 

Edward's demeanor loosened and he clasped Carissa's hands in his, caressing the backs with his thumbs. 

"You know, you are a very pretty girl.  You make that elf costume look, well, hot, instead of silly," he purred.

Edward pulled her body close to his.  Carissa felt the twin chemicals of lust and adrenaline rush through her body.  She didn't know what she was doing.  Edward had sensed that and was leading her down the exact path she wanted.

He moved in to kiss her at the same time as his hands wrapped around her waist and pulled it flush against his.  Carissa could vaguely feel his cock as it twitched against her stomach.  Her mouth was being consumed by his.   The small presence of mind still available to her was quickly washed away with the flood of sensations she now felt. 

Carissa felt her clit tingle as their passionate kiss increased in urgency.  Edward was pulling off her clothes like they were on fire.  After peeling her leotard off he paused to admire her small, innocent breasts.  The curve of her creamy skin invited his hand to squeeze as he kneeled and sucked on her tiny, pale pink areolas.

Carissa ran her hands through his thick salt and pepper hair as he licked, bit, and tweaked her nipples.  The small mix of pleasure and pain piqued her desire and it elevated to the more raw state of lust.  Carissa felt a hand rub her labia lips and clit over her tights which were the only thing left on her body.  Edward smiled and met her gaze as he pulled his two fingers out from between her legs.  He must have felt my wetness even through my tights, she thought.   

Still kneeling and moving with a gentle touch, Edward pulled her tights down her legs.  His soft hands caressed the length of her legs as he did.  He slowly rolled the tights and waited for her to pull her feet out and laid them on the floor with the rest of her strewn about clothing.  Edward stood up and pulled his own solitary piece of clothing off in the same manner.   They stood briefly, naked, staring at each other before rushing into the other's arms and resuming their passionate kissing. 

Carissa felt her body heat up with anticipation as Edward's rock hard cock rubbed against her skin.  Her own will was so fully at ease now he could have done anything to her.  Edward disengaged, reached inside a bag in his locker, and pulled on a condom as he pulled Carissa's body to the floor with his. 

The industrial carpet was relatively clean if not comfortable. But Carissa noticed none of this as she spread herself horizontal on her back for Edward to devour.  Her body was screaming to be consumed.  She spread her legs and pulled them up in the air. 

Edward mounted her with less speed than she wanted.  He pushed his length inside her tight pussy slowly, his eyes closed.  After he was half way inside Carissa he opened his eyes to look at her.  Carissa felt the heat of his gaze go through her.  His look absolutely captured the pure lust she was feeling throughout her entire body. 

"Do you want me to be gentle?  I don't want to hurt you," Edward whispered before he brushed his lips along hers.  The teasing effect of both his cock and his lips was too much for Carissa.

"No," she nearly shouted, momentarily confusing both of them.  The pause was broken by the deep thrust of Edward's cock into Carissa's waiting pussy.  She felt her pussy automatically contract in response, squeezing his cock tighter. 

"Oooh," Edward moaned as he savored her little body.  He pulled out again only to thrust impatiently once more.  His rhythm shifted to a quicker, less explosive pace.  Carissa felt the pleasure building in her clit as a result.  Her hands hugged his back pulling his body closer to hers as he fucked her on the floor of the mall locker room.  She could feel his finespun chest hair rub against her breasts.  Her nipples pebbled. 

Edward sucked on Carissa's neck as he rocked her body back and forth.  The friction from the hard floor was only barely registered as the sensation of Edward's cock pushing deep inside her body demanded all of her attention. 

Carissa felt each stroke push her closer and closer to orgasm.  The pleasure floating throughout her entire body began concentrating and growing in her groin.  She hugged Edward's hips with her legs as she attempted to push him deeper up into her desperate pussy.  

Edward pulled his face up to meet look Carissa.  Again, she was immediately filled up on another level by the intensity of his gaze.  He wanted to consume her and Carissa wanted nothing more in that moment than to let him. 

In a flash, Edwards lips were on hers and his tongue rammed into her hot and wet mouth matching the magnitude of his cock ramming itself into her hot and wet pussy.  He ravaged her cunt and mouth simultaneously as he drove her up to her peak.  Vivid colors flashed in Carissa's eyesight as her body was pushed over the edge to ecstasy.  She squeezed Edward's body with her own as the orgasm continued to rock her insides.

Edward looked down at her face mired in pleasure and let loose even more than he already had been.  Carissa, in her ecstatic state barely felt the skin slowly being rubbed off of her spin in the middle of her back as Edward fucked her harder and faster than she had ever been fucked before. 

He leaned down on his elbows above her shoulders and placed his scratchy cheek against hers.  A low moan escaped as his rhythm stopped and started with explosive thrusts that served to both lengthen Carissa's incredibly intense orgasm and bring with it new pain. 

She felt a white hot pain in her scalp and she realized on the edge of her consciousness that Edward's hand was in her hair, pulling.  His moan grew to a scream and Edward let go of his hot juice inside her.  Carissa's orgasm finally began to recede as Edward's continued on.  Other sensations of her body crept into her mind with their various levels of pleasure and pain. 

Edward's body finally relaxed and he pulled his head up from her cheek.  The enjoyment painted all over Edward's face filled Carissa with exhilaration and pride.  Her previous sexual experiences had been so much more hit or miss.  She pulled his head down to kiss him.  Their lips met gently this time as if realizing the tender state of each of their bodies after fucking so randomly and yet with so much passion. 

Carissa, filled with pride and confidence, pulled their kiss apart, met Edward's pale blue eyes, and whispered, "I think this is going to be my favorite Christmas."