NAKED Massage by Kendall Swan
Copyright © 2010
Cicily's lean body lay poised on the cream colored portable massage table in her living room. Tony had neglected to leave a towel out for her to cover with. Or perhaps he had. And she simply ignored it.
"Whoa, Mrs. B? You forgot your towel," Tony said holding up the towel he had, in fact, left for Cicily.
"No. I didn't," was all she said.
Cicily lay face down on the table, but she heard no sound of movement. She imagined Tony was deciding his next move.
This was not Tony's first proposition. His cock twitched automatically at the implied offer. Hell, this was why he went to massage school. Mrs. B was hot and all but she was also his best paying client. He wasn't sure if he should jeopardize that.
But if he didn't, she might drop him anyway. The more seconds that ticked by while Tony's brain pondered which action to take, the more his cock was becoming rock hard.
His body made the decision for him as he was propelled forward towards Mrs. B's naked, waiting body.
He slicked oil all around his hands and rubbed them together to create warm friction.
"Let's get started," was all he said.
Cicily felt the tips of his fingers graze her skin like a silk scarf. Goose bumps formed and fell away as his hands danced their way across the whole of her body.
His touch pressured her body. Pushing. Pulling. Kneading his way deep inside. Back and forth he rubbed.
Cicily's back muscles loosened until slack. Tony's hands moved lower toward her ass. And massaged.
Sweet anticipation coated Cicily's pussy lips. Waiting for the first touch of Tony's magical hands.
She did not have to wait long.
The first graze started at her tailbone and moved south between the smooth curves of her cheeks, tickling her anus but not lingering.
Her skin covering her entire body was enlivened with the first touch of his finger at the bottom of her entrance. There, he did linger. Swooping his finger up and down her slick slit.
His other hand rubbed her back gently, occasionally grazing the sides of Cicily's breast, calling forth even more sexual desire to her pussy.
Cicily lay motionless, feeding on her purchase. Tony's fingers graduated from tickling to pumping. She clenched his fingers, her only movement. His hand turned and plunged back and forth, his thumb hunting below for her nub. Finding it, Cicily moaned.
Sexual need screamed out of her every pore. Cicily needed Tony's cock. Had to have it. She pushed her body up to signal her impatience.
Pre-cum trickled along the length of Tony's cock. He wanted to fuck Mrs. B as hard as possible. He wanted her lean body that he knew she spent hours sculpting in the gym.
She climbed off the table. Instead of leading him to her bedroom, she slid onto the floor right there and spread her legs for him.
In a flash, Tony was on top of her, guiding his cock inside her pussy, matching her intense stare with his own.
Their gaze held for moments before she abruptly shut her eyes. Tony's hips charged into Mrs. B's with fierce lust. He pushed up and cupped her luscious breast, real and tan. Her rose colored nipple emerged to point to the ceiling.
Tony surprised even himself with his unending pounding. Slippery math floated in his head. A week. It had been a week.
Mrs. B's breasts jiggled up and down with each stroke. Their hips crashed again and again as she pulled him deeper inside her womb.
Pain seared his back as his skin ripped. Her moans grew to shrieks.
He loved Mrs. B's house. He loved her body. He loved her pussy. He loved everything as he exploded, hot and sticky deep within her.
Tension floated out as the orgasm subsided. Tony pushed up, grinning at Mrs. B. He pulled out and hopped up youthfully. He ventured to the guest bath and cleaned up before returning to the living room.
He dressed, packed his table and oils away, and went to hug Mrs. B.
"Tony, there's no need for that. Here's for today," Mrs. B said as she stood naked holding crisp bills in her outstretched hand.
"Whoa, thanks, Mrs. B. My pleasure," Tony said as he picked up his gear and headed for the door.
"Oh, and Tony? There will be more next time if you focus more on me."
Realization followed by embarrassment filled Tony up.
"Uh…" he stammered.
"It's okay this time. Think about it for next week. See you Thursday."
Mrs. B turned and walked down the mile long hallway to the master bedroom beyond. Tony shrugged and congratulated himself on another satisfied client.
[The End]
Also available from Romantic Words Publishing:
NAKED Series Titles:
--NAKED Cheerleader and other stories (NAKED Anthology #1) by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Bytes (NAKED Anthology #2) by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Parent Teacher Conference by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Neighbor by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Housecleaning by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Restaurant Critic by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Santa by Kendall Swan
--**NEW**NAKED Hairdresser by Kendall Swan
--Grand Pleasure Station Part 1 (Feature Article Series) by Kendall Swan
--Grand Pleasure Station Part 2 (Feature Article Series) by Kendall Swan
The Sexual Memoir of Emma: A Whole New World by Kendall Swan
The Sexual Memoir of Emma: The Dry Spell by Kendall Swan
Copyright © 2010 by Kendall Swan
Published by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC
This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.
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