Friday, May 7, 2010

Vampire One Night Stand by Kendall Swan

Vampire One Night Stand by Kendall Swan

Copyright © 2010 by Kendall Swan

Cover Copyright © 2010 by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC

Melissa knew he was a vampire. Knew and didn't care. She wanted to walk on the wild side of life just once. To see it, get a feel for it, taste it.

She grabbed her purse, drink, and walked over to the booth where he was sitting alone. It wasn't an easy walk as his black eyes bored into her the whole way over. His expression was intense, but neutral.

"You're looking to have a wild night out tonight and you'd like me to accommodate you in that endeavor," he said when she reached his table.

"Um, yes. Am I that obvious? I'm sorry. I'm Melissa. Melissa Smith."

Melissa went ahead and sat across from the vampire without being asked. She figured she could either back out or head full on into her crazy escapade.

"Please, have a seat," he said.

His tone was chiding but the corner of his lip turned up slightly.

"Would you like me to leave? I will. I don't want to trouble you. I only want to get to know you."

Melissa cocked her head to the side and did her best to look alluring. She knew she was an attractive woman, but she also knew vampires were basically sluts, the most sexual of beings. She was sure this vampire, depending on how old he was, had been with every kind of girl imaginable.

"You may stay. But I really don't think this is the appropriate place to get to know each other."

The vampire's eyebrow spiked up and his pale skin almost glowed. Melissa grew wet with anticipation.

"Where should we go?" she asked, trying to look intrigued instead of eager.

"Your place will do just fine, Melissa. Or we can get a hotel room, if you prefer." The vampire stood and stretched out his hand to help her out of the booth.

"Would you like to know my name or does that not interest you?"

Melissa was immediately shamed by her rudeness. However, when she thought about it, it actually didn't matter what his name was, only that he was vampire. And that he was going to fuck her.

"I would love to know your name. I thought maybe you might not want me to know. I've heard how private vampires can be," Melissa said, trying to cover for her previous lack of manners.

"Vaden. My name is Vaden. I'm please to make your acquaintance, Melissa. Now if you will follow me in your car, we can take a room at the Hilton a few miles north of here."

"I know where it is. I'll meet you there."

Melissa strode out to her car, giving one final look to the vampire before starting her car. Her pussy was already dripping. She'd heard from friends that vampires were the best lovers. That they were virtuosos who played human bodies like a Stradivarius, teasing out notes, emotions, movements the person had never experienced before, could never experience without a vampire.


Vaden hadn't intended on fucking this evening. Luck was with him. This Melissa girl wanted to be played with--that was exactly how he liked his human women. Eager and willing. She would be the perfect antidote to Lexi. Fantastic little Lexi--who used to be his favorite eager and willing plaything.

Vaden slowed his run as he came upon the hotel. He had beaten her car, which wasn't surprising given the evening traffic. He went ahead and checked in. They knew him here and always treated him well. He stood, leaning against the marble wall of the elevator bank when the girl finally spotted him.

She looked relieved and that pleased him. He would have fun with her tonight.


Melissa had blown past the speed limit as if it was the sound barrier and still he'd gotten here faster on foot. She spotted him by the elevators and was mesmerized by his flawless appearance. The thought of what he was going to do to her took shape in her mind and need radiated from deep inside.

She joined him in the elevator and the instant the doors closed and the button was pressed, he had her pinned against the mirrored wall, tongue invading her mouth, rock hard, muscled body pushing against hers, and hand snaking up her skirt.

Melissa was quite literally breathless as his finger found her wetness and plunged inside, sweeping around, then pulling out to rub her clit.

She moaned and his mouth went to her neck, his warm lip cascading across her skin lightly. He wants to taste me, Melissa thought. She became aware of her thumping heart. The vampire must have sensed her awareness because he pulled his mouth away from her neck and crushed her mouth again.

Melissa vaguely heard the elevator ding before she heard the ripping of her blouse. His hand squeezed her lace covered breast hard before pinching her nipple. Shudders of pleasure were running up and down Melissa's body and they hadn't even reached the hotel room.

"Go," he ordered when doors opened.

She tentatively stepped out, checking to see if there would be any witnesses to her half-dressed state.

He grabbed her ass as he took the lead down the hallway to their room. A second later she was pushed against the wall of their room barely able to breathe as the hard mass of his body pushed against hers.

Melissa's good girl training kicked in and she felt awkward for the unabashed fucking that was about to occur. Shouldn't we at least talk a little, she thought.

The vampire didn't respond when she tried to slow things down. He hiked her leg up on the crook of his elbow and fingered her roughly. Melissa was slick from his touch and his incessant want. Her pussy cried out for more. She forgot all about slowing things down.

"You've got me so turned on," she moaned, regretting it immediately for its cheesiness.

The vampire smirked and responded, "That's what we do," before he sucked her nipple sending electricity zinging through her limbs and into her sex.

Her hands grasped his shoulders and back. His skin was silky smooth over his concrete muscles. She ached for his vampire cock to be inside her.

As if on cue, he hoisted her up, his hands clutching her ass cheeks. He all but threw her on the bed and had her skirt and thong off.

This is it, Melissa thought. I'm about to be fucked by a vampire.

The look in his eyes was feral, as if he could lose control at any moment.

A whir of movement later and all thinking stopped. His gigantic steel-like rod was all the way inside her. Pleasure and pain competed for her attention. Until he moved.

Back and forth he rocked her, his cock filling her over and over again, mollifying her need only slightly. Dizzy pleasure moved in and through her.

Melissa's eyes were closed when she felt his tongue on her neck again. Her eyes popped open and she hugged his body more. She was going to get the full experience tonight.

An out of control moan broke from her mouth as her skin gave way to his bite.

[The End]

Vampire One Night Stand
By Kendall Swan
Copyright © 2010 by Kendall Swan
Cover Art © 2010 by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC
Published by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC

All rights reserved.

Also available from Romantic Words Publishing:

Copyright © 2010 by Kendall Swan
Published by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC

This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.

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