Vampire Life by Kendall Swan
Copyright © 2010 by Kendall Swan
Published by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC
The redhead’s blue eyes tried their hardest to look coy despite the fuckme outfit and the obvious fact they were checking me out in one of the most ‘busy’ covens in Manhattan.
I’ve enjoyed my coven, if you could call it that. In the last 20 years since vampires ‘came out’, the mystical association of vampires to that word doesn’t much apply any more.
Nowadays, vamps hanging out together isn’t that different from any other group spending time together. Although it could be better likened to a group of black people in the 1950’s-- the prevailing attitude being that we were not to be trusted and our usefulness was almost eclipsed by our danger. It was like that, yes.
Our coven, our group was more like a harem. That was nice.
There was always a willing girl around when I wanted one. And while I don’t want as much as some (Vaden and Tristan in particular), I do want. Oh, yes.
The redhead and the blond she came with looked ripe. I’ve only been a vampire for three years. I used to regret my decision-- a decision made out of teen angst and sexual frustration.
The sexual frustration part had been blown to bits a thousand times over. I get more pussy, vampire and human, than I ever could’ve as a human. Our naturally alluring characteristics account for most of that. Along with our incredible stamina due to being frozen in time.
It’s not just the idea of being with a vamp that the girls love-- we’re actually sex gods. Our bodies don’t feel hot and we don’t impregnate. But we don’t have to worry about clogged arteries, ED, beer bellies, or balding heads. And our cocks are hard for at least half of our waking hours. Which, of course, is all the time. So, we fuck a lot.
Speaking of hard ons, both girls were eyeing mine and giggling. They were still young enough to pull off the giggle, just barely. I gave them the requisite swarthy look and spread my legs. I stretched my arms out on the leather couch, welcoming them to partake. If only this were enough for me. If only existential angst didn’t follow me into my new existence.
Looking around Lotus’ spacious loft apartment, I saw close to 15 vamps and even more humans, most of them female--which made sense since most of the vamps present (and all of them in our group/coven) were male.
This was the norm. I tried keeping girls around for more than a month or two. I actually do try to be respectable despite my associations. Sadly, they either become intimidated by our ‘lifestyle’ or else become enamored with it and join in the rotation. I tend to stay away from the rotation girls. The desperation doesn’t turn me on as it does others.
Finally, the new girls headed towards me and sat on either side. I sat with a polite smile. They’re much more willing if I let them make the first move. Occasionally, if I’m in the mood for a challenge, I’ll talk one into it. It’s not needed most of the time.
The loft was filled with loud music, low, multi-colored lighting, and a smoky haze. There was always alcohol and X available for the humans. Plenty of couches and a couple of mattresses in the corners.
I could hear the familiar cry of pain and pleasure from the corner across from me and my new girls. Vaden loved shoving Lexi against walls when they fucked. And for some reason, despite her extreme beauty, she didn’t seem to mind taking it.
On their usual couch near the back of the apartment by the floor to ceiling glass wall that showed the busy, dark world below, Lotus, the head of our group, and his longtime love Chloe (who was still human, much to her dismay) fucked. They switched off according to their usual three positions. Nothing original tonight.
The redhead and blond beside me followed my eyes to them. They were as mesmerized as much as I was by the displays. The couplings were only two of the many going on in various stages in the loft tonight. Staying in to party often meant copious amounts of fucking (and the occasional ‘making love’).
I felt the redhead’s hand on my stiff cock over my jeans. The blond’s hand was rubbing my chest. We continued to watch Chloe and Lotus. Their sex was not the most elegant. However, they had a grace that only comes from lust, love, and familiarity.
The missing pockets of urgency were replaced with tenderness, an uncommon and beautiful sight in this loft.
Lotus’ extremely large build hovered over Chloe’s nude body, touching her erect nipples with the skin of his chest. He alternated between hard fucking and soft, long strokes.
I felt a pair of hands on my bare cock. Another hand cupped my balls. I continued surveying the sex acts already in session around the loft. The girls would get my full attention soon enough.
Lexi’s cries brought my gaze back to her and Vaden. Lexi’s lithe little body was being bent over and fucked from behind. Vaden licked the blood from the scrapes on her back as he pummeled her. His hands flew over her pale body stopping only to grip her hanging tits that were the size of apples.
Vaden’s mouth went to Lexi’s ear, licked and whispered. Vaden motioned beyond my couch. Soon, a tall, lanky vampire named Hank sauntered over to the fornicating couple.
“My gift to you....enjoy,” Vaden proclaimed, pulling his cock out of Lexi’s hole.
Lexi looked back, briefly smiled at Hank. She quickly looked away, swaying her hips, probably to distract from the disappointment I thought I glimpsed on her face.
Hank is kind of nerdy like me, but he commands respect because of his position as one of the enforcers for Percy, the head guy here in the city. While having never met Percy, his reputation of being old and ruthless preceded him. I wasn’t sure what made Hank so effective in his role. But Vaden’s deference to him made me figure I didn’t want to find out.
Hank gripped his already hard shaft and positioned it at Lexi’s waiting pussy hole. Thankfully, she’d braced herself or else she would have been thrown forward. As it was, she took it, and him, all the way.
I loved watching Lexi being fucked the most, except when Vaden was throwing her against walls. I wasn’t into that type of thing. She used to be a rotation girl but Vaden kept her for himself now--except for visiting executives, you could say.
When a mouth enveloped my helmet, I looked down. I saw blond hair bounce in my crotch as a another mouth covered mine. The red head kissed me hard. She was not willing to wait for my attention. I hadn’t even noticed when she pulled my pants down, so entranced was I by the live sex shows in front of me.
My tip hit the back of the blond’s throat. She pushed it beyond through the little hole in her throat. Her gag reflex kicked in. Still, she held me there. The muscle moved up and down my tip as her body tried to fight back against her intentions. I thrust my hips up, pushing my cock even deeper inside this not so innocent girl.
I ripped the red head’s shirt off to get to her luscious bosom. She whined a little. My hand between her legs shut her up. I don’t need to rip things to get off. But the girls get super slick when I do, they love it so much.
I squeezed her mountainous breasts together. They were the palest of pale including the nipples which were barely noticeable by color alone. I squeezed and twisted them to give them some color.
I had to fuck those breasts. It was all I could do to not rip my cock out of the blond’s throat. I pulled her head up with as much gentle care as I could muster. Faster than the girls knew what was happening I was straddling the red head’s chest as she fell back on the couch.
The spit was still on my bulging cock from the blond’s mouth. I jacked myself a few strokes until the red head caught on. She pushed her tits together making an altogether different and beautifully squishy passage for my member.
The blond rose to kiss me. I kissed her hard in appreciation as I moved my hips back and forth. My third orgasm for the day shot out my gism all over the red head’s chest. She didn’t mind when a little got on her chin.
I stood, dressed. Hank must be done because Lexi’s ankles were on Vaden’s shoulders as her own orgasm was unleashed. Her screams of pleasure were legendary. Vaden banged his hips against hers before he stiffened. She dreamily kissed him as she brought her legs down. He burrowed his head in her neck, drinking.
“Is that all?”
I saw the annoyed look on the red head.
“No, no. That was just the introductory act. I want a show. I want to watch you eat each other out,” I said. The girls exchanged glances at this. After a beat, they began to strip.
I looked back at Lexi and Vaden. She was now loudly complaining for him to stop. She tried to push his head off her throat. As if she wasn’t aware of how futile that action was.
I briefly flirted with the idea of going over to help. That would be ludicrous, of course. I still had a will to live. Help proved unnecessary as Vaden finished, licking her wound.
Their bodies separated and Vaden noticed me watching. He snorted before I could look away. They searched the floor for their clothes and I turned back to the naked girls on the couch.
They were, indeed, eating each other out. And not requiring my audience, so into their new roles they were. After a few minutes, I got the distinct impression this was not their first time to perform this act on each other.
Lexi was no longer naked. My guests were now entertaining themselves. I was tired of sex. I needed a meaningless, anonymous drink from a stranger. The streets could possibly relieve my boredom. After motioning goodbye to Vaden from the door, I exited my harem and went to the streets of Manhattan for some alone time and quick hunt.
Vampire Life
By Kendall Swan
Copyright © 2010 by Kendall Swan
Published by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC
All rights reserved.
Also available from Romantic Words Publishing:
NAKED Series Titles:
--NAKED Slumber Party and other stories (NAKED Anthology #3) by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Cheerleader and other stories (NAKED Anthology #1) by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Bytes (NAKED Anthology #2) by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Parent Teacher Conference by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Neighbor by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Housecleaning by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Restaurant Critic by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Santa by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Hairdresser by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Massage by Kendall Swan
--Grand Pleasure Station Part 1 (Feature Article Series) by Kendall Swan
--Grand Pleasure Station Part 2 (Feature Article Series) by Kendall Swan
The Sexual Memoir of Emma: A Whole New World by Kendall Swan
The Sexual Memoir of Emma: The Dry Spell by Kendall Swan
Copyright © 2010 by Kendall Swan
Published by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC
This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.
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