Monday, July 29, 2013

Naked Choir Practice

Naked Choir Practice by Kendall Swan
Stephanie walked back up to the choir loft after everyone else had gone home. She’d lost her keys somewhere in the church and she gave a muted exclamation of relief when she found them lying under one of the potted plants. That would have been the last thing she needed.

This had been one of the longest days she could ever remember. Stephanie sat down with her back against the wall. She was surprised to find herself fighting back tears. She sniffled and pressed the heels of her hands to her eyes to stop them. Preacher’s wives were not supposed to cry!

It was just that she missed Derek so much. He’d been gone for over two months on a mission trip and before he could come home from that, he’d been called to a meeting that would last another week. While she kept up a cheerful front, she was miserable. Four separate parishioners had come to her with crises in the past two days and she was doing her best, but she just didn’t have Derek’s way with people. They’d left telling her how helpful she’d been, but she thought that they were probably just being nice.

To top it all off, choir practice had been awful. She wasn’t sure exactly what they’d sounded like but it hadn’t been anything angelic. It was more like a group of tone deaf cats had suddenly tried singing for the first time.

Okay. Maybe it wasn’t that bad. But it really, really hadn’t been good.

She heard the door of the church open and close and she held her breath. Did someone else need something already? She glanced around the choir loft. She couldn’t see any purses, glasses, or phones. What could they possibly want?

Her heartbeat sped up when the other possibility hit her. What if it wasn’t a parishioner? What if it was a robber? Stephanie remained where she was, but she reached out and got a solid grip on one of the smaller potted plants and scooted around so that she was facing the stairs that led to the choir loft. She’d played softball all through high school and college and she knew that she wouldn’t have a problem making contact if she needed to.

The stairs squeaked as someone ascended them. She bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut briefly. Whoever it was would be in the choir loft with her soon.

A man’s form filled her vision when she opened her eyes again and she threw the flower pot instinctively. The man ducked and Stephanie gasped.

“Oh Derek!” she said as the terra cotta pot shattered slightly to her husband’s left. “Oh honey, I am so, so sorry!”

“Are we a little nervous?” he asked with a grin as he brushed a clump of dirt off of the sleeve of his long sleeved jersey knit shirt.

“Just a little,” she admitted with an embarrassed smile as she appraised him for damage.
Other than the dirt he’d just removed, he looked fine. More than fine in fact. She loved his traveling clothes. Since he was a preacher, he tried to dress well most of the time, but he traveled in jeans and simple shirts that showed off his muscular frame. He looked more like he had in college when they’d met and she couldn’t think of those days without getting a little shiver down her spine.

She started to stand up, to go and throw her arms around him and ask why on earth he was home early, but she sat down beside her before she could. He gave her a smile as he reached for her hand and twined his fingers through hers.

“I missed you,” Derek said, brushing her dark hair behind her ear and giving her a short kiss. “I was glad when the meetings ended early. I’m also glad that I remembered your schedule and I could come get you here. Even if you weren’t glad to see me.”

She saw the sparkle in his blue eyes as he said the last part, but she looked at him seriously and said, “Derek, you don’t know how much I’ve missed you. Why do you think I’m sitting up here in the choir loft feeling sorry for myself?”

“Is that what you’re doing?” he asked. “It looked like pitching practice to me.”

She swatted him lightly on the chest and he let go of her hand to drape his arm over her shoulders.

“If I ever go away that long again I’m going to have to take you with me,” he admitted. “I’ve been going crazy.”

“Oh really?” she said with a teasing glint in her eye. “Then why don’t we head home?”

“What would we do there?” he asked, feigning innocence.

“I don’t know,” Stephanie said casually. “Maybe something that starts like this.”

She tilted her chin and pressed her lips to his in what was supposed to be a short, light, kiss. It didn’t turn out that way. His mouth slanted over hers and the kiss became desperate. Before she knew what was happening, he’d pulled her into his lap.

“Derek,” she whispered as she pulled back a bit. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing,” he lied, as he nudged her legs apart, encouraging her to straddle him.

Stephanie felt her skirt hike up around her thighs as he pulled her down against him and she caught her breath when she felt his erection bump against her through his pants and her panties.

“You look so sexy dressed like this,” he said softly, running his fingers over the crisp linen shirt she’d worn to choir practice. “And you know those heels drive me crazy.”

Heels were her weakness. She kept it prim and proper in all other ways, but she was short and she preferred her heels sky high to compensate just a bit for it. The heels in question were her favorites, black, sleek, and high; she knew how good they made her legs look, especially in her charcoal gray skirt.

She felt Derek’s fingers trail down the outside of her thigh and continue, just lightly enough to arouse her, down to the outside of her ankle, where the strap of the shoe rested.

“Let’s go home,” she suggested again.

“Not yet,” he murmured as he moved back up her leg, on the inside this time.

The arousal went from simmering to boiling with just that simple touch and she moved against him involuntarily.

“Did you miss me?” he asked as he began to kiss his way down her neck to the prim collar of her shirt.

“Yes,” she whispered, her breath catching as his fingers traced a teasing path up the inside of her thigh and stopped just short of her panty line.

“How much?”

“So very much,” she answered as her head fell back to give him better access to the sensitive skin of her throat. “I thought about you all the time.”

“Did you miss me here?” he asked, cupping her pussy possessively.

“Yes,” she moaned.

“I think I can tell,” Derek said. “You’re so wet, Stephanie.”

She rotated her hips, rubbing herself against his steady palm. With his free hand, her husband flicked the top button of her shirt undone. She started to protest, but he pressed his lips to the newly exposed skin and she lost her train of thought.

One of his fingers dipped under her panties as he unbuttoned the next button and she moaned low in her throat when he began to circle her clit with his index finger while kissing his way down her body. By the time he had two fingers buried deep in her pussy and her shirt was lying crumpled on the floor beside them, she’d forgotten what her objection could have been.

Derek loved the way Stephanie had lost all of her inhibitions. She was riding his fingers the way he was dying for her to ride his cock and she was so lost to the sensation that she didn’t even protest when he unhooked her bra and tossed it to the side.

He lowered his head and ran his tongue over her nipples. She moaned and cupped the back of his head, holding him there in a silent plea for more. He didn’t mind giving in. She grew wetter and wetter the longer he played with her and finally, two months without her caught up to him and his hands went to his belt.

“Derek,” she said when she heard the sound of his zipper in the still church. “I don’t think...I”

Her face was flushed and her nipples were stiff. His fingers were wet from her arousal and his cock was as stiff as a pole.

“I need you,” he said honestly. “I can’t wait until we get home. Can you?”

“No,” she admitted after a moment. “No, I want you right now.”

“Then come here.”

He pulled her closer, still allowing her to straddle him and she saw him grip his cock. With him positioning himself for her, it was easy to lower herself onto his hardness. She went slowly because she loved the way it felt to be stretched, to have him fill every inch of her. His hands tightened on her ass as she began to move.

Derek couldn’t help but stare at Stephanie as she worked her body over him. She was still wearing her heels and her skirt was bunched up around her slim waist. He’d only pushed her red silk panties to the side before he’d taken her. She was holding onto the railing of the choir loft for leverage now and it put her bouncing breasts in the perfect place for him to continue to play with them.

He pinched one nipple between his thumb and forefinger as he sucked the other between his lips. Stephanie threw her head back and moaned his name, riding him harder. He could see his cock pushing into her and pulling back out with every snap of her hips. It glistened with her wetness and the sight, as well as her tightness, made his body clench in readiness to come. Two months was a long time. Derek took a deep breath to control his urges and reached down with his free hand, pushing her silk to the side a bit more and running his fingers up the lips of her pussy in the way that he knew she loved.

“Mmmmm,” Stephanie sighed as she rolled her hips, leaving him deep in her so that they both got all the sensation they needed.

As a reward, he began rubbing her clit in firm circles. She bucked forward from the new influx of pleasure and he rubbed her slick skin even harder. He needed her to come for him before his own reactions got out of control. She was keeping him deep now, riding him with smaller movements and having every inch of his cock caressed by her velvet softness was everything he’d been dreaming about the whole time he’d been away.

Stephanie felt the orgasm start with a slow build as her body went tense. These were the best kind for her, because they crashed over in waves of pleasure that would continue as long as Derek was moving inside her. The first wave crested and she moved her grip from the loft railing to her husband’s shoulders as his fingers continued to move, intensifying her pleasure.

She heard him groan as her body clenched his tightly with each inner spasm and his free hand moved from her breast to her ass where he gripped her tightly to keep her close against him.
She was working to hold back her screams but at the end it became impossible and her cries rang through the choir loft and the church at large as she called Derek’s name. At the last moment, he pulled her down and kissed her. He loved to feel her lips against his as he came.

Her nails dug into his shoulders as his body emptied into hers in several hot thrusts and then she collapsed against him, shaking as her orgasm finally ended. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, one hand clasping the back of her neck firmly. He knew she needed to be held this way to put herself back together after coming apart for him.

Eventually their breathing slowed and his body slid away from hers. She still didn’t move and he felt her press her lips to his neck, tasting the salt there. He ran his fingers through her hair. It come down as she rode him fiercely and he loved that.

Stephanie pulled back to say something about how crazy what they’d just done was, but he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her before she could.

“Thank you,” he said when he pulled back.

“For what?” she asked in confusion.

“For being here. For doing this. I can’t tell you how much I needed you tonight,” he said honestly.

To her shock, she felt his body nudge hers again during the next kiss.

“Derek,” she whispered. “I kind of think that we’ve been bad enough.”

“Don’t worry,” he answered with a laugh. “I can make it home for the next one.”

Naked Choir Practice by Kendall Swan
Copyright © 2013 by Kendall Swan

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