Highway Fuck by Trixie Tale
"Joe, we promised my parents we'd be there by noon," Marty pleaded.
"Just a quickie--I promise."
He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other was inching up her creamy thigh under her skirt.
"You're wet--you know you want me to stop," Joe teased.
"Okay, fine," she said.
He shoved his finger inside her hot wetness as far as it would go and twisted.
"Joe, I said yes--pull over!"
She reached over and cupped his stiff cock over his shorts. She started rubbing it.
"Okay, you convinced me. We can stop in order for me to fuck you over the side of the car," Joe said teasingly.
"What? You're confusing me, Joe. You're the one who wanted to stop," Marty said.
Joe was still fingering her very wet pussy as he drove. His cock couldn't get any harder. He slowed the car down and pulled to the shoulder of the four lane highway.
"Bend over the hood and pull your shorts and panties down," he ordered.
"But Joe, someone could see us. Let's do it in the backseat."
"No. The hood. And you better hurry. Your parents are waiting."
He grinned as he pulled her to the front of the car. He turned her around and bent her over.
She started to protest before Joe interrupted with promises to make it quick. He pulled her foot out of one of the leg holes of her shorts and panties. He used his feet to spread her legs, cop style. He could see her wetness between and under her sweet ass cheeks.
Joe undid his shorts and slid the front underneath his balls.
"Hold on," he said as he grabbed her hips and plunged deep inside her hot and waiting pussy.
She screamed out in response to his rough plunge and he thrust even harder. She reached all around her and found nothing to easily hold onto. She put both of her hands flat against the hot hood of the car to brace against his impatient cock.
Harder and harder he thrust inside of her, her voice crying out from the pressure and her pussy getting wetter and wetter with each stroke. Joe felt his climax nearing. The elastic on his underwear crept up onto his balls as they tightened and constricted up inside his body preparing for explosion.
The elastic had completely covered his balls and was now hugging the bottom base of his bloated cock. Her wetness was all over his cock, his pubic hair, and his underwear.
He banged her as hard as he could for his last few strokes before spilling all of his hot liquid inside her hot cunt.
No cars had driven by and Joe considered them lucky. But just as he was pulling out and tapping the final remnants of his juice out, he could hear the car coming up on their position quickly--too quick.
One half second later a sedan whizzed past them. Joe and Marty froze in their half naked state as they watched the car's brakes light up and the car slow down. It continued losing speed as it rounded the corner and was out of sight.
Joe was sure they got a solid view of both his cock and Marty's swollen pussy lips and shapely ass bent over the hood of his sports car.
Their eyes met and they quickly jumped into action, pulling clothing up while hopping and running to their doors. They started cruising down the highway at a fast pace, both of them exhilarated from being seen.
"I don't think we'll be late for your parents," Joe said to Marty, smiling.
She was about to argue when they pulled around the bend the car had disappeared around. They caught a fleeting glimpse of that car stopped on the side of the road. Only this time, it's two occupants were in the same position that had just been in: the man pumping the woman over the hood of their car.
Joe and Marty made eye contact briefly before they both burst out laughing. They continued laughing all the way to her parents house.
Highway Fuck by Trixie Tale
Copyright © 2009 by Trixie Tale
A Romantic Words Publishing, LLC ebook.
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.
This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.
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Other Romantic Words Publishing, LLC ebooks available for sale:
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To hear about our new titles as they come out, email TITLES to RomWords@gmail.com .
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