Pulling Over a Slut by Sid Whiskey Copyright © 2010 by Sid Whiskey
Billy enjoyed the hunt. And this hot and humid Saturday night was made for the hunt. Girls and alcohol were the perfect mix. He especially liked the falling down drunk ones. He could fuck a girl silly and she wouldn't be aware enough to say no. But Billy suspected that they liked it. Most girls liked to be fucked 'till it hurt. They just didn't want to admit it to themselves or anyone else. But Billy knew it was true.
Billy grabbed his gun belt and headed out to his cruiser. The first half of his shift had the usual speeding and public intoxication citations. He took the first two drunks to the jail to sober up and spent the next couple hours doing paperwork. His anticipation of what was coming up later got him hard just thinking about it and he had to concentrate on crap things like paperwork and stupid, drunk kids just to keep from showing.
Billy got a couple more over the limit drivers with the breathalyzer. He was supposed to take them in but it was too close to his hunting time. His shift would be over by the time he got done with the paperwork. He cited them for excessive speeding instead and gave them rides to their homes without their car. At least that way they would be off the street to sober up a little and probably have to pay for a tow truck in the morning.
The end of his shift finally got closer as the early morning hours crept up as slow as they possibly could, signaling Billy to get ready for the hunt. It had been months since he'd gotten him some this way. He was real careful not to overdo it. He had a good thing going and didn't want to spoil it by being stupid.
Billy chose the route on the sort of remote part of FM 1161. It was not fully remote because there were three bars and a gas station along a five mile hilly section of the country road. It was full of drivers whose skills weren't that great to begin with and only got worse as they drank their Saturday night away.
Billy parked the car along a secluded stretch a half mile from one of the bars. There was barely any traffic and finally a speeder came across. Billy turned his lights on and sped up onto the asphalt. He usually didn't have the put the siren on. The lights did it for most part. This one was no different. It was a gold sedan-- usually a girl's choice for a vehicle in these parts. The men mostly stuck with trucks as well as the feisty women.
Billy felt his cock twitch in anticipation as he walked up to the driver's side window. His fledgling erection immediately dwindled when he saw that it was a man. Damn. He's wasting my time, Billy thought.
"Son, you know how fast you were going?" Billy asked angrily. He knew he was going to let the guy off quick but he wanted to scare him a little first.
"Uh, no sir. I wasn't paying attention. Sorry."
The young man looked down in embarrassment and Billy could tell his tone had done the job. He was going to pull him out of the car and give him the test but he decided the kid looked sorry enough. Time to move on.
"No, you weren't. It's unsafe to not pay attention to your driving. It's dark out. It's late. And I'm guessing you've had a few." The man started to protest.
"Don't worry about it, son. I'm gonna let you off this time. Go home slowly and get some rest.
"Thank you officer. I will. Thank you." With that, the young man quickly turned his car back on and eased out onto the road.
Billy went back to his car and only drove a couple hundred yards before finding a good spot to pull over for his trap. He killed all his lights and waited for the next drunken vehicle to pass by. He didn't have to wait long. An early model red sports coupe sped by and crossed once over the double yellow line briefly before Billy had even gotten on the road.
As usual the lights did the trick and the car pulled over on the side of the road. Billy could tell she was a she through the windows by her long hair. He slowly walked up to his intimidating spot outside the driver's side door.
She rolled down her window and gave him an overly friendly smile. Her brown eyes were glazed and he could tell she was three sheets to the wind. She's perfect, he thought, and pretty, too. Her brown hair went down her shoulders leading his eyes to her tanned cleavage. This time of year, most of the girls wore little bitty dresses on account of the heat.
"Officer, I am sooo sorry. I didn't even realize I was speeding but I promise, I mean prooomise, I'll slow down. Can I get a warning, pleeeease? Pretty please?" she asked, her words elongated and slurred. She batted her eyelashes up at him.
This is going to be a piece of cake tonight, Billy thought, she really wants it.
"Well, ma'am, that is not standard procedure. I'm going to need your license and registration and then I'll need to you step out of the car for me." For me is right--I'm going to fuck her cunt so hard and fast she won't even know what hit her, Billy thought.
"Awwwww man," she fumed as she reached for her glove box. She gave him her license and registration. She then tried to carefully get out of the car. She almost pulled it off before her high heel slipped and she went tumbling. Billy caught her from behind and intentionally groped her breast while doing so. He felt his cock grow in the process. He got her standing and turned her around from the waist, keeping her body pressing against his.
"Now, now, Miss…" Billy looked at her license to get her name and address. He quickly memorized them to give himself a special 'insurance' opportunity later.
"Miss Woods. Seems you might have had a bit too much to drink tonight. That's probably why you weren't payin' attention to your drivin, sweetie."
A confused look came across Miss Woods pretty face and she tried to pull away from him. But Billy was big and held her easily against his body. He was sure she could feel his stiff cock by now.
"Drinkin' and drivin' is a crime, Miss Woods. And I can tell that you're illegally over the limit."
"But…I haven't even…"
"You refused the breathalyzer and attempted to perform the roadside test for me. And it was an entertaining show, let me tell you. It was no surprise that failed it," Billy explained.
Concern had replaced confusion on her face. One of Billy's hands drifted up to cup her barely covered breast.
He continued, "I don't think you would do so well in jail, sweetie. You're too pretty. And besides, they'd take your driver's license away. And you don't want that, do you?"
She shook her head slowly before he shut her car door and walked them off the road down the steep ditch into the woods beyond. They kept walking for a ways 'till Billy found a clear, flat spot of ground he could take her on. They were both silent the whole way.
As he stopped, he got his cuffs out. She started to protest as he turned her around and cuffed her wrists loosely.
"Now, now. Don't worry. I'm gonna take them off soon. Here's the thing Miss Woods. I'm gonna to do you a very big favor and not even give you a ticket. I'm gonna do this even though I should be hauling your pretty little ass to jail for driving under the influence. I know, I know I didn't actually give you the test. But you would have failed it. We both know it. Instead of paying a few thousand dollars in fines and court fees I'm gonna do you this favor.
"But you gotta do me one in return. Do you understand what I tellin' you Miss Woods? And don't forget that I know your address."
Understanding graced Miss Woods' face slowly. Her glassy eyes looked up at Billy. Her world was starting to spin a little as happens on nights like these when she drank too much.
"We're gonna fuck so I don't go to jail?" Miss Woods asked.
"That's right. You okay with that?" Billy asked. It was even sweeter when they got into it. He didn't like to fight them all the time.
"Yeah, I guess. I can't afford jail. I ain't got thousands of dollars. But are we gonna do it here on the dirt? I mean don't you have a blanket or something in your police car?" Miss Woods said. Her words were still slurring. Billy was surprised she'd managed to stay standing this whole time.
" I can do that if you promise to fuck me nice and sweet. Here, you wait here."
Billy pulled her to a midsize tree and handcuffed her hands behind the tree. He walked up the hill and got a wool blanket out the trunk of his cruiser. He came back down and laid it down. He went to uncuff her from the tree but paused in front of her.
"You really are pretty," he said as he cupped both of her breasts in his hands over her dress. He pulled her dress up to see the small triangle of her thong in front.
"Are you wet, yet, Miss Woods? Because if you're not, this might be a rough ride."
"Not yet. Can you undo me from the tree. It's kinda scratchy."
"In a minute. I want to play with you for a bit."
Billy kept one hand on her breast and brought the other between her legs. He moved the string of her thong over and plunged his middle finger inside her cunt. She wasn't wet on the outside but she was on the inside. He groaned in response. He crouched down, pulled his hand down, and brought his other fingers in position to enter her. He shoved his hand harder up between her legs to get his whole hand covered with her slickness. He slightly lifted her body and she cried out.
"It's not your hand-- it’s the bark. Please lay me on the ground so we can do this right. You can keep me cuffed. Please." Her slurring was disappearing with the addition of pain.
"Okay, sweetie. You promise you're gonna fuck me nice?"
"I promise. My pussy will squeeze you so nice. And you can fuck me as hard as you want."
Billy unlocked her handcuffs and led her to the blanket.
"Will you promise to behave if I keep these off?"
"Oh yes. It makes it even better. You're gonna love me, honey."
Miss Woods reached up and starting kissing Billy. He had never had that happen before and was startled at first before pulling her closer and sucking her tongue hard. He could feel her breasts against his chest. He brought the hand that had been inside her up to her face and wiped her juices on her cheek as they kissed, hard.
Billy pulled back from the kiss and took off the other cuff and threw them on the ground. He reached for the hem of her slinky dress and pulled it over her head. She was already taking her bra off. Billy unhooked his gun belt and dropped in on the ground.
She was unbuttoning his shirt as he reached greedily again for her cunt with his fingers. He shoved them in again and bit her nipple. She cried out but moved her hips into his hand. His four fingers were inside her wet pussy up to his third knuckle.
Billy could feel his hand stretching her. He pulled it out even though she seemed to be enjoying being hand fucked like that. He didn't want her to get too stretched till he got his cock all the way up her. If she stretched out too much after that, he'd fuck her in the ass.
Billy felt his animal side taking over as his body prepared to take the drunk girl he'd pulled over. He finished unbuttoning his shirt and pulled down his pants and underwear in one motion. Then leaned down to the blanket and yanked her down with him. She started rubbing his chest and reached for his already hard cock with her hand.
"Whoa, officer. You're packin'.
"You bet I am." With that he mounted her and shoved his extra long and thick cock inside her hot cunt. She screamed out. Billy's hand hadn't prepared her for being fucked by his weapon of a cock.
"Oh, god!" she screamed again.
Billy stopped and froze over her, staring angrily at her.
"What?" she asked with urgent concern. Seemed she had gotten to thinking about the whole jail thing even more as she was sobering up.
"I'm sorry. I'll be quieter. Keep going," she pleaded.
"Beg-- I wanna hear you beg for it," Billy ordered.
"Please, please, please, fuck me. Fuck me!"
Billy exploded into fast, hard thrusts, rocking her body further and further up the blanket. He couldn't get enough of her cunt around his huge cock. He knew he was big and loved how even the smallest girls managed to take him and still be wet. If they got wet, they wanted it.
She had her arms and legs wrapped around his body as plundered her. He took turns grabbing her breasts and pulling her nipple out till she yelped. She was too overcome to talk to him or even make eye contact as the thrusts kept coming at her without delay.
Without warning, Billy stopped and pulled out.
"Turn over. I'm gonna really fuck you now, Miss Woods," Billy warned.
"That's right, baby. Fuck me. Fuck me hard," she responded as she turned over and got on her hands and knees. Billy grinned. He'd gotten himself a regular slut tonight. He was definitely going to rip her ass up after tearing up her pussy.
He grabbed her hips and plunged inside her pussy again. He wanted to fuck her raw. She moved with his hands and pushed her cunt all the way up on his cock. He felt her squeeze him inside and it made Billy moan. He wished all his DUIs were this great a fuck.
He felt the tension rising in him and knew he was going to explode soon if he didn't take a break. He plunged three more times and slapped her ass hard before pushing her hips away from his body to pull out. He didn't want to come yet.
"Don't stop. Please. Keep going! FUCK ME!" Miss Woods yelled.
Billy couldn't resist that kind of begging and pulled her hips close again. This time he maneuvered his tip to her tiny puckered asshole. Her body stiffened slightly at the touch. He knew this would rip her but he didn't care. She wanted to be fucked and that's what he was going to do. He shoved his finger in an around her pussy lips then smeared the wetness all around her tiny hole.
He caught a glimpse of her hanging breasts swinging down. The moonlight made her juices he'd rubbed all around her ass glisten.
He pushed in a tiny bit then grabbed both her hips and tried to push in more. She was too tight. His cock was pushed out and he had to position it again at her entrance.
He held her hip tight with one hand as he guided his cock and slowly pushed in its girth, holding it in position with the other hand. Different noises came out of Miss Woods' mouth as he got further in.
The tightness was unbelievable. Billy knew he wasn't going to last very long when this slut felt this good.
"Beg," he ordered again.
Miss Woods turned her head and repeated her earlier refrains.
"Fuck me hard, officer. Fuck my ass so hard. Please. I need it. I need to be fucked."
She knows exactly what to say, Billy mused. He pulled out slowly, still holding her hips tight. He was sure there would be finger mark bruises decorating her hips in the morning. He shoved his cock in her tight little ass and felt everything inside her move out of his way.
He pulled out again and her hole gave more easily this time. He plunged again, pushing as hard as he could up inside. All he wanted to do was to fuck, fuck, fuck her. To have her in every way. She was his for the taking right now and he was feeling it in every bone in his body.
He upped his tempo with the pounding. She was struggling to stay in position as he used all his force on her. Her ass canal was growing slicker with its own wetness making it easier and easier for him to thrust faster. He kept at it.
Soon he felt the need for release rising near the surface again. He didn't care this time. He didn't try to stop it. Then a new feeling brought him that much closer. She was squeezing him with her ass.
"That's right slut. Fuck me back. Squeeze my cock even if it hurts!" Billy yelled as his orgasm took over and made his entire body quake. He stabbed his cock as deep as he could in her sweet ass. They both tumbled onto the blanket as she was bucked forward by the force. She screamed out again.
He finished up with a few lesser strokes and pulled out. He couldn't believe how large her rosebud was now compared to how it started out.
He tapped and rubbed his cock against her ass cheeks to clean himself off. He entered her pussy with his half hard dick to continue the effort.
"You going again?" she asked.
"No, Miss Woods. You did a right fine job. Consider that deposit I made in your cherry ass your 'get out of jail free' card. You are free to go," Billy said.
The End
Pulling Over a Slut by Sid Whiskey
Copyright © 2010 by Sid Whiskey
A Romantic Words Publishing, LLC ebook.
Cover Art © 2010 by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC
Other Romantic Words Publishing, LLC ebooks available for sale:
NAKED Series Titles:
--NAKED Cheerleader and other stories (NAKED Anthology #1) by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Bytes (NAKED Anthology #2) by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Parent Teacher Conference by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Neighbor by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Housecleaning by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Restaurant Critic by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Santa by Kendall Swan
--Grand Pleasure Station Part 1 (Feature Article Series) by Kendall Swan
--Grand Pleasure Station Part 2 (Feature Article Series) by Kendall Swan
The Sexual Memoir of Emma: A Whole New World by Kendall Swan
The Sexual Memoir of Emma: The Dry Spell by Kendall Swan
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Billy enjoyed the hunt. And this hot and humid Saturday night was made for the hunt. Girls and alcohol were the perfect mix. He especially liked the falling down drunk ones. He could fuck a girl silly and she wouldn't be aware enough to say no. But Billy suspected that they liked it. Most girls liked to be fucked 'till it hurt. They just didn't want to admit it to themselves or anyone else. But Billy knew it was true.
Billy grabbed his gun belt and headed out to his cruiser. The first half of his shift had the usual speeding and public intoxication citations. He took the first two drunks to the jail to sober up and spent the next couple hours doing paperwork. His anticipation of what was coming up later got him hard just thinking about it and he had to concentrate on crap things like paperwork and stupid, drunk kids just to keep from showing.
Billy got a couple more over the limit drivers with the breathalyzer. He was supposed to take them in but it was too close to his hunting time. His shift would be over by the time he got done with the paperwork. He cited them for excessive speeding instead and gave them rides to their homes without their car. At least that way they would be off the street to sober up a little and probably have to pay for a tow truck in the morning.
The end of his shift finally got closer as the early morning hours crept up as slow as they possibly could, signaling Billy to get ready for the hunt. It had been months since he'd gotten him some this way. He was real careful not to overdo it. He had a good thing going and didn't want to spoil it by being stupid.
Billy chose the route on the sort of remote part of FM 1161. It was not fully remote because there were three bars and a gas station along a five mile hilly section of the country road. It was full of drivers whose skills weren't that great to begin with and only got worse as they drank their Saturday night away.
Billy parked the car along a secluded stretch a half mile from one of the bars. There was barely any traffic and finally a speeder came across. Billy turned his lights on and sped up onto the asphalt. He usually didn't have the put the siren on. The lights did it for most part. This one was no different. It was a gold sedan-- usually a girl's choice for a vehicle in these parts. The men mostly stuck with trucks as well as the feisty women.
Billy felt his cock twitch in anticipation as he walked up to the driver's side window. His fledgling erection immediately dwindled when he saw that it was a man. Damn. He's wasting my time, Billy thought.
"Son, you know how fast you were going?" Billy asked angrily. He knew he was going to let the guy off quick but he wanted to scare him a little first.
"Uh, no sir. I wasn't paying attention. Sorry."
The young man looked down in embarrassment and Billy could tell his tone had done the job. He was going to pull him out of the car and give him the test but he decided the kid looked sorry enough. Time to move on.
"No, you weren't. It's unsafe to not pay attention to your driving. It's dark out. It's late. And I'm guessing you've had a few." The man started to protest.
"Don't worry about it, son. I'm gonna let you off this time. Go home slowly and get some rest.
"Thank you officer. I will. Thank you." With that, the young man quickly turned his car back on and eased out onto the road.
Billy went back to his car and only drove a couple hundred yards before finding a good spot to pull over for his trap. He killed all his lights and waited for the next drunken vehicle to pass by. He didn't have to wait long. An early model red sports coupe sped by and crossed once over the double yellow line briefly before Billy had even gotten on the road.
As usual the lights did the trick and the car pulled over on the side of the road. Billy could tell she was a she through the windows by her long hair. He slowly walked up to his intimidating spot outside the driver's side door.
She rolled down her window and gave him an overly friendly smile. Her brown eyes were glazed and he could tell she was three sheets to the wind. She's perfect, he thought, and pretty, too. Her brown hair went down her shoulders leading his eyes to her tanned cleavage. This time of year, most of the girls wore little bitty dresses on account of the heat.
"Officer, I am sooo sorry. I didn't even realize I was speeding but I promise, I mean prooomise, I'll slow down. Can I get a warning, pleeeease? Pretty please?" she asked, her words elongated and slurred. She batted her eyelashes up at him.
This is going to be a piece of cake tonight, Billy thought, she really wants it.
"Well, ma'am, that is not standard procedure. I'm going to need your license and registration and then I'll need to you step out of the car for me." For me is right--I'm going to fuck her cunt so hard and fast she won't even know what hit her, Billy thought.
"Awwwww man," she fumed as she reached for her glove box. She gave him her license and registration. She then tried to carefully get out of the car. She almost pulled it off before her high heel slipped and she went tumbling. Billy caught her from behind and intentionally groped her breast while doing so. He felt his cock grow in the process. He got her standing and turned her around from the waist, keeping her body pressing against his.
"Now, now, Miss…" Billy looked at her license to get her name and address. He quickly memorized them to give himself a special 'insurance' opportunity later.
"Miss Woods. Seems you might have had a bit too much to drink tonight. That's probably why you weren't payin' attention to your drivin, sweetie."
A confused look came across Miss Woods pretty face and she tried to pull away from him. But Billy was big and held her easily against his body. He was sure she could feel his stiff cock by now.
"Drinkin' and drivin' is a crime, Miss Woods. And I can tell that you're illegally over the limit."
"But…I haven't even…"
"You refused the breathalyzer and attempted to perform the roadside test for me. And it was an entertaining show, let me tell you. It was no surprise that failed it," Billy explained.
Concern had replaced confusion on her face. One of Billy's hands drifted up to cup her barely covered breast.
He continued, "I don't think you would do so well in jail, sweetie. You're too pretty. And besides, they'd take your driver's license away. And you don't want that, do you?"
She shook her head slowly before he shut her car door and walked them off the road down the steep ditch into the woods beyond. They kept walking for a ways 'till Billy found a clear, flat spot of ground he could take her on. They were both silent the whole way.
As he stopped, he got his cuffs out. She started to protest as he turned her around and cuffed her wrists loosely.
"Now, now. Don't worry. I'm gonna take them off soon. Here's the thing Miss Woods. I'm gonna to do you a very big favor and not even give you a ticket. I'm gonna do this even though I should be hauling your pretty little ass to jail for driving under the influence. I know, I know I didn't actually give you the test. But you would have failed it. We both know it. Instead of paying a few thousand dollars in fines and court fees I'm gonna do you this favor.
"But you gotta do me one in return. Do you understand what I tellin' you Miss Woods? And don't forget that I know your address."
Understanding graced Miss Woods' face slowly. Her glassy eyes looked up at Billy. Her world was starting to spin a little as happens on nights like these when she drank too much.
"We're gonna fuck so I don't go to jail?" Miss Woods asked.
"That's right. You okay with that?" Billy asked. It was even sweeter when they got into it. He didn't like to fight them all the time.
"Yeah, I guess. I can't afford jail. I ain't got thousands of dollars. But are we gonna do it here on the dirt? I mean don't you have a blanket or something in your police car?" Miss Woods said. Her words were still slurring. Billy was surprised she'd managed to stay standing this whole time.
" I can do that if you promise to fuck me nice and sweet. Here, you wait here."
Billy pulled her to a midsize tree and handcuffed her hands behind the tree. He walked up the hill and got a wool blanket out the trunk of his cruiser. He came back down and laid it down. He went to uncuff her from the tree but paused in front of her.
"You really are pretty," he said as he cupped both of her breasts in his hands over her dress. He pulled her dress up to see the small triangle of her thong in front.
"Are you wet, yet, Miss Woods? Because if you're not, this might be a rough ride."
"Not yet. Can you undo me from the tree. It's kinda scratchy."
"In a minute. I want to play with you for a bit."
Billy kept one hand on her breast and brought the other between her legs. He moved the string of her thong over and plunged his middle finger inside her cunt. She wasn't wet on the outside but she was on the inside. He groaned in response. He crouched down, pulled his hand down, and brought his other fingers in position to enter her. He shoved his hand harder up between her legs to get his whole hand covered with her slickness. He slightly lifted her body and she cried out.
"It's not your hand-- it’s the bark. Please lay me on the ground so we can do this right. You can keep me cuffed. Please." Her slurring was disappearing with the addition of pain.
"Okay, sweetie. You promise you're gonna fuck me nice?"
"I promise. My pussy will squeeze you so nice. And you can fuck me as hard as you want."
Billy unlocked her handcuffs and led her to the blanket.
"Will you promise to behave if I keep these off?"
"Oh yes. It makes it even better. You're gonna love me, honey."
Miss Woods reached up and starting kissing Billy. He had never had that happen before and was startled at first before pulling her closer and sucking her tongue hard. He could feel her breasts against his chest. He brought the hand that had been inside her up to her face and wiped her juices on her cheek as they kissed, hard.
Billy pulled back from the kiss and took off the other cuff and threw them on the ground. He reached for the hem of her slinky dress and pulled it over her head. She was already taking her bra off. Billy unhooked his gun belt and dropped in on the ground.
She was unbuttoning his shirt as he reached greedily again for her cunt with his fingers. He shoved them in again and bit her nipple. She cried out but moved her hips into his hand. His four fingers were inside her wet pussy up to his third knuckle.
Billy could feel his hand stretching her. He pulled it out even though she seemed to be enjoying being hand fucked like that. He didn't want her to get too stretched till he got his cock all the way up her. If she stretched out too much after that, he'd fuck her in the ass.
Billy felt his animal side taking over as his body prepared to take the drunk girl he'd pulled over. He finished unbuttoning his shirt and pulled down his pants and underwear in one motion. Then leaned down to the blanket and yanked her down with him. She started rubbing his chest and reached for his already hard cock with her hand.
"Whoa, officer. You're packin'.
"You bet I am." With that he mounted her and shoved his extra long and thick cock inside her hot cunt. She screamed out. Billy's hand hadn't prepared her for being fucked by his weapon of a cock.
"Oh, god!" she screamed again.
Billy stopped and froze over her, staring angrily at her.
"What?" she asked with urgent concern. Seemed she had gotten to thinking about the whole jail thing even more as she was sobering up.
"I'm sorry. I'll be quieter. Keep going," she pleaded.
"Beg-- I wanna hear you beg for it," Billy ordered.
"Please, please, please, fuck me. Fuck me!"
Billy exploded into fast, hard thrusts, rocking her body further and further up the blanket. He couldn't get enough of her cunt around his huge cock. He knew he was big and loved how even the smallest girls managed to take him and still be wet. If they got wet, they wanted it.
She had her arms and legs wrapped around his body as plundered her. He took turns grabbing her breasts and pulling her nipple out till she yelped. She was too overcome to talk to him or even make eye contact as the thrusts kept coming at her without delay.
Without warning, Billy stopped and pulled out.
"Turn over. I'm gonna really fuck you now, Miss Woods," Billy warned.
"That's right, baby. Fuck me. Fuck me hard," she responded as she turned over and got on her hands and knees. Billy grinned. He'd gotten himself a regular slut tonight. He was definitely going to rip her ass up after tearing up her pussy.
He grabbed her hips and plunged inside her pussy again. He wanted to fuck her raw. She moved with his hands and pushed her cunt all the way up on his cock. He felt her squeeze him inside and it made Billy moan. He wished all his DUIs were this great a fuck.
He felt the tension rising in him and knew he was going to explode soon if he didn't take a break. He plunged three more times and slapped her ass hard before pushing her hips away from his body to pull out. He didn't want to come yet.
"Don't stop. Please. Keep going! FUCK ME!" Miss Woods yelled.
Billy couldn't resist that kind of begging and pulled her hips close again. This time he maneuvered his tip to her tiny puckered asshole. Her body stiffened slightly at the touch. He knew this would rip her but he didn't care. She wanted to be fucked and that's what he was going to do. He shoved his finger in an around her pussy lips then smeared the wetness all around her tiny hole.
He caught a glimpse of her hanging breasts swinging down. The moonlight made her juices he'd rubbed all around her ass glisten.
He pushed in a tiny bit then grabbed both her hips and tried to push in more. She was too tight. His cock was pushed out and he had to position it again at her entrance.
He held her hip tight with one hand as he guided his cock and slowly pushed in its girth, holding it in position with the other hand. Different noises came out of Miss Woods' mouth as he got further in.
The tightness was unbelievable. Billy knew he wasn't going to last very long when this slut felt this good.
"Beg," he ordered again.
Miss Woods turned her head and repeated her earlier refrains.
"Fuck me hard, officer. Fuck my ass so hard. Please. I need it. I need to be fucked."
She knows exactly what to say, Billy mused. He pulled out slowly, still holding her hips tight. He was sure there would be finger mark bruises decorating her hips in the morning. He shoved his cock in her tight little ass and felt everything inside her move out of his way.
He pulled out again and her hole gave more easily this time. He plunged again, pushing as hard as he could up inside. All he wanted to do was to fuck, fuck, fuck her. To have her in every way. She was his for the taking right now and he was feeling it in every bone in his body.
He upped his tempo with the pounding. She was struggling to stay in position as he used all his force on her. Her ass canal was growing slicker with its own wetness making it easier and easier for him to thrust faster. He kept at it.
Soon he felt the need for release rising near the surface again. He didn't care this time. He didn't try to stop it. Then a new feeling brought him that much closer. She was squeezing him with her ass.
"That's right slut. Fuck me back. Squeeze my cock even if it hurts!" Billy yelled as his orgasm took over and made his entire body quake. He stabbed his cock as deep as he could in her sweet ass. They both tumbled onto the blanket as she was bucked forward by the force. She screamed out again.
He finished up with a few lesser strokes and pulled out. He couldn't believe how large her rosebud was now compared to how it started out.
He tapped and rubbed his cock against her ass cheeks to clean himself off. He entered her pussy with his half hard dick to continue the effort.
"You going again?" she asked.
"No, Miss Woods. You did a right fine job. Consider that deposit I made in your cherry ass your 'get out of jail free' card. You are free to go," Billy said.
The End
Pulling Over a Slut by Sid Whiskey
Copyright © 2010 by Sid Whiskey
A Romantic Words Publishing, LLC ebook.
Cover Art © 2010 by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC
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--NAKED Bytes (NAKED Anthology #2) by Kendall Swan
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