Tyler Campbell by Kendall Swan
Copyright © 2010 by Kendall Swan
Published by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC
He’d been walking for close to a day. He lost the large group of slugs that followed him out of town early that morning and had yet to find a working vehicle.
Thankfully, stores were still stocked with food and water. That wasn’t the issue most days. It was the ever-undying lying in wait around the corner of every aisle in every abandoned store that made life inconvenient if not difficult.
Tyler Campbell’s life used to be golden. He was 32. Successful and happy by almost every standard. Good looking, strong, smart. He had a certain charm that attracted beautiful women and investors alike. The world was so much his oyster, it was a cliche.
Then that same world went all to hell. And took all the money and the girls with it. Honestly, he used to love the money more than the girls.
But now.
Now, what he wouldn’t give to touch a sweet smelling woman with breasts he could squeeze and a pussy that would welcome him with clenching muscles.
He’d had one a couple of weeks back and now every time his thoughts drifted towards girls or sex she popped back in his brain.
Sara, her name was. She was being kept as a slave. The men at the mansion/compound were friendly with him up until he suggested giving her a little more freedom.
They’d let him have an hour with her his third night there.
She was clean and pretty and naked and hostile. He could hear through the door of the bedroom of the vast mansion those commandos had claimed as their own the hoots and hollers chastising her and rooting him on.
When she finally turned around and looked at him, her entire demeanor changed. She became the siren they said she was and that he had been dreaming about for months.
He guessed she was friendly because he wasn’t familiar. But he didn’t think about it too hard because the loneliness was oppressive and he wanted it gone.
She was all lips, hands, and breasts, and hips. He came after his third stroke inside her. But she pretended not to notice, he guessed, and twenty minutes later, he was close again.
It was then that she first whispered in his ear. They had been going in and out for a while with no words to the point where he had let his mind go under a bit to enjoy her and nothing else, to enjoy this kind and cruel gift he’d been given.
It took him a minute to register her words, clumped together as they were as hurried, breathless whispers in his ear.
Something me. That was all he could make out.
He was getting close. His mouth moved down to her nipple, entranced as he was by her body. She clenched and pumped under him, her legs wrapped around his waist tightly--almost to the point of pain.
He pounded. And concentrated. A second orgasm didn’t seem to just happen for him like it did back in the other world. Out of practice, he guessed.
He felt it growing inside him, clawing up through him, filling him with that urgent, anticipating need that laid the track for the freight train of lustful explosion to follow.
He pummeled her, vaguely aware of her moans beneath him, and the muffled sounds behind the door, her groping hands.
This bohemian lady in a messed up world was wet. And enjoying him right back.
The thought of shared desire and togetherness, of connection, struck him hard, sending him over the edge.
Suddenly, her hands gripped his face, forcing him to look at her eyes that were screaming at him.
In their blue depths he was stuck as he let his seed spill inside her. He wanted to close his eyes, savor the lucky surprise this day had given him.
But he couldn’t.
She stared and he stared as his body shuddered and exquisite relief pulsed through him.
It couldn’t ride itself out into oblivion as had been his nature in the old world. Not because of the zombies, not because the men waiting outside the door. Not because of the total disarray that had become his future.
But because of her eyes. In them he saw light, intelligence, beauty, and pain all wrapped up in one piercing look while he came inside her.
As if to add another sense to the message of who she was, she pulled his head down beside hers and whispered in his ear the words that have haunted him ever since.
“Help me.”
Tyler Campbell
By Kendall Swan
Copyright © 2010 by Kendall Swan
Published by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC
All rights reserved.
Also available from Romantic Words Publishing:
NAKED Series Titles:
--NAKED Slumber Party and other stories (NAKED Anthology #3) by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Cheerleader and other stories (NAKED Anthology #1) by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Bytes (NAKED Anthology #2) by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Parent Teacher Conference by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Neighbor by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Housecleaning by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Restaurant Critic by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Santa by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Hairdresser by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Massage by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Backdoor by Kendall Swan
--Grand Pleasure Station Part 1 (Feature Article Series) by Kendall Swan
--Grand Pleasure Station Part 2 (Feature Article Series) by Kendall Swan
The Sexual Memoir of Emma: A Whole New World by Kendall Swan
The Sexual Memoir of Emma: The Dry Spell by Kendall Swan
Copyright © 2010 by Kendall Swan
Published by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC
This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.
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