Monday, January 24, 2011

Married Sex #3

Married Sex #3 by Kendall Swan

She slowly disrobed before getting in bed. She knew her husband was already naked under the covers.

She knew he wanted sex, knew she would enjoy it once he was inside of her.

What she didn't know was why she was so reluctant tonight. Lately, in fact.

She felt his eyes on her as she slid under with him. Felt his hand hungrily caress her curves.

She was attracted to him.

She loved him deeply.

What was the problem?

They were only four years into their marriage. Was this how it would be for the next 40 years? 50?

She felt his hard cock rub her thigh as she also felt his finger begin its exploration between her legs. She returned to her thoughts.

Was this the point where sex became work? Or did it just stop as so many married jokes said it would.

She was sufficiently wet and he positioned himself on top of her, poised to enter.

She stared at his face, his eyes.

They were urgent. His pupils were large--there was no mistaking his desire. She wondered if he knew of little tells she might have. If he even cared to learn.

His erect member plunged deep inside, momentarily emptying her mind of its dissatisfied questions.

She felt him slowly pull out, pause long enough for the thoughts to reappear. Only to be extinguished a second time by his cock filling her.

She squeezed him in that moment of emptiness, not realizing that might qualify as participating--maybe even enjoyment.

He lowered his head to her neck, breathed hot air on her skin before kissing and sucking it.

Questions that were fighting for a toehold in her brain scattered away.

Her body temp rose and she reacted immediately, kicking the covers off with her feet while being fucked all the while.

Awareness returned, as it always did with her lightning-fast, out-of-control brain. She attempted to push it away, concentrate only on their physical act.

Her mind twisted her questions from spotlighting their marital inadequacies to why she would go there in the first place.

His pulling out abruptly short-circuited her train of thought.

He pulled out but she wanted more-- wasn't thinking that she wanted more--only feeling it.

He stared at her, impatient.

Urgency and impatience of her own grew as she reached down and wrapped her hand around his thick staff.

Her eyes were open, staring at his but not seeing.

She didn't know anything right now. She only felt that she wanted more. That they needed this to be complete.

She put his tip at her entrance, pulled her hand away and bucked her hips up into him.

He pulled back, but not enough. Her hips stayed with his. She squeezed him, wanting nothing more in that second than to feel him inside of her, all over her.

Her actions, her desperate actions, kept her mind clear.

She violently rolled them over rode his cock with all the energy she could find. She was running away from her mind and its terrible conclusions.

This felt good. This was right.

He gave in and moved his hips into hers at her rhythm.

Her urgent chase paid off and she exploded in orgasm. She felt and did not think.

When her thoughts began trickling back in, his urgency took over and made them subside. His explosion rocked her to another high and she came again.

She pulled out and lay beside him, body and mind empty. When her glow inevitably faded, the only thoughts that reached the surface were ones of gratitude.

The End

Copyright © 2011 by Kendall Swan
Published by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC
All rights reserved.

Also available from Romantic Words Publishing:

Copyright © 2011 by Kendall Swan
Published by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.

Thanks for reading!

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