By Kendall Swan
Copyright © 2011 by Kendall Swan
By Kendall Swan
Copyright © 2011 by Kendall Swan
Kader arrived at the family mansion unscheduled and late at night. Her parents typical reaction would have been much ado followed by disdain over the choices of young people the world over.
But not tonight.
They were on vacay in Europe. The compound was hers for the week.
She yanked her suitcase out of the trunk and left her sports car at the bottom of the steps. It would disappear at some point in the night, quietly whisked away to its appropriate parking spot in the garage.
Kader fumbled for her magnetic key and after swiping it, froze for the computer to scan her face. Puffy eyes and a red and running nose did not deter recognition. The fifteen foot door unlocked and opened a foot, inviting her inside.
Kader really had no choice but to escape back home. Not after the spectacular humiliation she’d experienced on campus by the one she thought she loved the most in this world.
Liam was everything to Kader. Her best friend, her first love. And despite her best efforts not to fall for him specifically because her parents just might approve of the match, she did. And she fell hard.
It was probably the first time he fucked her. She held him off for months-- making do with her usual mix of masturbation and one night stands off campus. But once he was inside of her, hard and deep, she knew she would need him in her life.
Only, he no longer needed her.
The small, intimate college Kader attended was known for its academic rigors and strong professor-student partnerships engaging in intellectual endeavors. What was less well known outside of the school was that the tiny size of the institution made it a hotbed for gossip and politics.
Liam no longer needing Kader had been known throughout the school for weeks as he bedded girl after girl while still professing his love for her. As was to be expected, Kader found out. Secrets, especially ones involving sex, are difficult to keep in that environment.
Either Kader or Liam had pissed off one too many people. Kader didn’t know which. She was rich, beautiful, and smart. Jealousy and envy followed her everywhere. All she knew was that the day before she and Liam were about to leave to hang out on a private yacht for spring break, she received a link at the same time as every other student and clicked on it.
Images of Liam’s naked body she knew and loved so well popped onto her screen. Sensory overload took over as understanding seeped into her brain.
The dorm room was hers as was the bed underneath the couple fucking on it. Only she wasn’t part of that couple. A small, homely looking blonde she’d only seen around campus a few times had her face contorted as she came. Her voice rose and fell with each of Liam’s thrusts. She was underneath him, hugging him with her legs.
The view was clear, as if chosen specifically. It looked to be from Kader’s bookshelf about four feet away from the bed.
Kader watched as Liam made the nameless girl cum three more times without any effort on his part. Then he came inside her. She watched the whole thing as one watches a car wreck. She was livid and ashamed. Ashamed for being humiliated in such a fashion and for getting wet from viewing the video.
Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she watched from that same dorm room. She couldn’t turn it off until the end, when she saw something that made her feel like she was being kicked when she was already down. Liam had cum inside the blonde. He had cum hard and then he had pulled out. That was when she felt the imaginary kick. He wasn’t wearing a condom.
She snapped her computer shut and hastily grabbed her already packed suitcase. She did not want to be found over this spring break.
In her quiet mansion, the arduous task of lugging her very full suitcase up the grand stairs was beyond her capabilities at the moment. She left it by the door and retired to her room.
After stripping off her clothes, Kader was lying naked on her bed, deciding whether to take a bath when her door clicked open. Too tired to care about being naked, not that she would have much anyway, she simply turned her head to see who was checking on her.
What she saw was...different.
Standing in her doorway was a humanoid being holding her hefty luggage as if it weighed nothing. He looked like a man. Except it was clear, he was not. He set her suitcase down just inside the door and was turning to go. Kader stopped him with the simple order, “Stop.”
The coloring, clothing, and proportions were right. It was the movement. It was just a hair too jerky, barely perceptible.
Then he turned to look at her. It was remarkable how human the eyes looked.
“You must be new.”
“I am. I am the new butler and I will be at your service, young Kader.”
Kader couldn’t help but laugh at both his formality and all of the dirty jokes that kept bubbling to the surface of her mind. Not to mention the fact that he was made to be an age not that much older than herself.
“What are you, exactly?”
Still standing by the half open bedroom door while Kader was still sprawled naked on the bed, the humanoid robot butler replied, “I am the newest model of Service Magic beings, the Butler 4400. I am called Azul.”
“Azul? How exotic. Come here, Azul.”
The robot spoke as he shut the door and strode across Kader’s exceptionally large bedroom to her bed.
“Your father named me. I was given as a gift to your mother. Her favorite color is blue.”
Kader sat up to admire the new creation. They had never had a robot service worker before, although they were not uncommon in her family’s circles.
“What type of processor do you use?”
“The Intelihex 7.”
Kader was impressed. That meant her father had gone all out for this gift for her mother.
Up close, he looked both more real and less so. His skin layer looked remarkably lifelike. His stillness did not. And his eyes penetrated. Kader knew there was no emotion behind their watching, but the action still elicited an involuntary blush from her which brought about an awareness of her nudity and his lack of reaction to it.
“Azul. I need a favor. I need you to bring me a laptop and then I need you to let me look inside you.”
“As you wish.”
Kader became excited with all of the possibilities. She was a mid-level programmer and would surely be able to insert some kind of funny script into her mother’s new butler.
Azul returned with a laptop from her desk, her ‘home’ computer, and set it down beside her on her king size bed. Azul sat on the edge of the bed and plugged the USB cable into a hidden slot on the bottom of his wrist.
Kader sat indian style in front her computer and scanned the details that poured in from the walking and talking humanoid computer that was sitting on her bed.
She paused, thinking of some kind of cute, smartass remark to program as a response to her father in his relationship fields when a new idea caught flame.
She eyed the robot, who sat looking down at the floor patiently while she did her thing. Kader may not have a great lover at school anymore, but it didn’t mean she had to be bereft here at home.
“Are you anatomically correct?”
“No. I have no penis. It was not deemed necessary for the Butler models. Service Magic does produce some anatomically correct models that are made for other, more specific purposes.”
“What would those purposes be?” Kader had asked the question out of habit. She loved making formal people squirm. Azul, however, did not squirm. He merely answered matter-of-factly.
“They are made for sexual pleasure.”
“I see. But you aren’t programmed for that since you weren’t made for that?”
“I can change that,” Kader whispered under her breath and began typing away.
“Kader, I do not think my programs are to be altered in such a way. I am only to be altered to add to my abilities as a butler.”
Without stopping her programming, Kader replied impatiently, “I will require certain skills from you during my stay here this week. My parents are gone so I am your owner for the week. You will do as I say.”
“As you wish.”
Kader continued typing non-stop for another hour before she finally looked up. She had the basic behavior framework written and now needed to add the specific activities she would like him to perform.
She looked at Azul, happy to have a project to pour herself into, happy to have a distraction from her life. She viewed him with sexual eyes. What would she want from him this week?
Lots of staring. She would almost be able to believe that gaze was real, especially if he were playing with her clit or manipulating her body in some very un-butler way.
Lots of touching. He had his life-like skin. She could exploit that. But no dick. So there would be lots of fingering and heavy use of her vibrators.
Kader put in a ton of parameters. She figured she could edit as the week went on.
After she finished her first draft of behaviors, she loaded them in. It was clear the moment the upload was finished because Azul turned his head to look at her. He unhooked the USB cable and placed the computer on the floor.
He cupped her breast lightly. Kader spread her body out on the bed for him to explore, per his instructions. She had put in a few directions for him to eat her out. She didn’t know about his tongue situation but she figured she was about to find out.
His other hand stroked her skin and moved slowly down her torso.
Kader’s skin reacted to his touch. Yes, this was a good idea, she thought. A great distraction.
His fingers reached between her legs and lingered, teasing her, though she was sure he was not aware of it.
“Is this your clitoris?” Azul asked as he grazed it.
“Ahh. Yeah, yeah, you found it. Be gentle with that.”
“As you wish.”
Kader didn’t know about the ‘as you wish’ reply but soon had forgotten all about it as Azul rubbed gently up and down between her legs. He slipped a finger up her pussy then pulled it out slowly. Kader’s programming was working. This robot was getting her hot.
“Put two fingers in now,” she commanded.
“As you wish.”
Azul slipped two fingers inside her pussy and pulled them out. He repeated the motion slowly, more slowly than Kader wanted. She pushed herself down into his hand faster and deeper than before.
Simultaneously, he was rolling her nipple between his fake fingers. Kader reached down and positioned his fingers and hand so that all four fingers would enter her while the palm of his hand would rub her nub. She grinded against his hand like this for minutes, rising closer and closer to her climax.
She was so close but couldn’t go over. She rode the edge for what seemed like forever.
“Lick me!” she yelled in exasperation.
Azul climbed onto the bed and positioned himself between her thighs. A feeling like warm silk rubbed against her clit. She looked down.
She couldn’t see below his nose but assumed that feeling must be his tongue. It’s not wet, she thought. Her mind didn’t have time to muse on this fact before he put all four fingers back into her, pumping her pussy with his hand. It was shallow, not deep. But there was enough there for Kader to grip onto with her inner muscles, which she did.
His silky tongue batted her clit back and forth and she hugged his fingers from inside and his head on the outside with her thighs. She was almost there. The room became suddenly hot and she knew she was about to come because of this robot. And not from Liam
The thought pulled Kader back from the precipice, angering her. Sexual urgency mixed with rage as she bucked her body back and forth along his face and hand. She would not let that jerk ruin this for her.
She concentrated. Focused on the pleasure. And felt herself relax when the sweetness that would start the whole cascade within her made itself known in her groin.
She arched, her whole body tense as she came on the new robot.
Her mind stayed empty for a few blissful moments. When she came to from her orgasmic high she realized Azul had not moved. How nice, she thought. That probably would have shortened my cum if he had.
“You can stand up now.”
Azul pulled his hand from her vagina and brought his face up from between her legs. Both his hand and the lower half of his face were glistening with her juices.
“Was that satisfactory?”
“Yes, Azul. We’ll try something new next time, maybe with my vibrator. Tomorrow morning, I think. But not too early. You may resume your normal program for now.”
“Thank you, young Kader.”
Kader rolled her eyes at the air of formality that had returned with that normal programming. Maybe I shouldn’t just add sexual pleasure duties, she thought. Maybe I should overhaul the whole thing?
That thought made her smile as she drifted off to sleep.
Kendall Swan
By Kendall Swan
Copyright © 2011 by Kendall Swan
Published by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC
All rights reserved.
Also available from Romantic Words Publishing:
NAKED Series Titles:
--NAKED Slumber Party and other stories (NAKED Anthology #3) by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Cheerleader and other stories (NAKED Anthology #1) by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Bytes (NAKED Anthology #2) by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Parent Teacher Conference by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Neighbor by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Housecleaning by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Restaurant Critic by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Santa by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Hairdresser by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Massage by Kendall Swan
--NAKED Backdoor by Kendall Swan
--Grand Pleasure Station Part 1 (Feature Article Series) by Kendall Swan
--Grand Pleasure Station Part 2 (Feature Article Series) by Kendall Swan
The Sexual Memoir of Emma: A Whole New World by Kendall Swan
The Sexual Memoir of Emma: The Dry Spell by Kendall Swan
Copyright © 2011 by Kendall Swan
Published by Romantic Words Publishing, LLC
This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.
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